Blind Leopard gecko, advice?

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
I turned off autocorrect, id rather spell something wrong than say something embarrassing, haha.
I would, but I get too attached to them. I only have three leo's, two of them are still young, and my oldest one has deformed front feet.
Would you be able to hold a crested gecko without it jumping around?


New Member
I totally understand getting attached- I thought maybe you had fresh hatches. Those are really all I part with.

As far as the not jumping around thing goes..... in time, yes. In the beginning a baby to a juvie, most of your time spent together is hand walking. I have some adults that don't jump away anymore. Those are the ones I've had the longest or came from homes where they were held a lot. Of all my geckos, only one is a complete spaz. But then I have another one that loves to sit on my keyboard and watch the computer screen as I type. They are pretty interesting little guys, and all have their own personality.

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
I'd love to breed them, but it would be too much of a hassle. They store sperm, so i'll end up with double the amount I started with.
They sound cool, ill read up a bit more on them.

Eve Saint

New Member
I love the pics of Ichi! She reminds me of my fatty girl Diamond! Its so strange I came across your post, because I was wondering if Diamond has bad vision. She accidently bites things when she goes for food (crickets) sometimes. I was wondering if everyone here can tell me, is the overhead light possibly ruining their vision? I have the undertank heater on and always check temps, so should I get rid of the overhead light? Is the overhead light really neccessary, I remember coming across an article once mentioning that the lighting can cause blindness. Im not sure here. Let me know. Thanks!!!!!!!

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
My fat tailed gecko does that, takes like 3-4 tries sometimes. They seem to aim better when i use forceps.
Temps are usually fine with just the heating pad, but I use lights for an x amount of time depending on how cold, usually like one hour tops, as the light heats up the tank pretty fast.

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