gezzmo said:hi
what can i get from a cross between a normal blizzard male and a blazing blizzard female, and the same male and a midnight blizzard??
gezzmo said:one more thing, the male is from a friend, and he said me that he was a blizzard, but i'm not shore, what do you think?
gezzmo said:if it's a patternless? what can a get from Blizzard x Patternless said:Looks like you are gonna hatch Blizzards. Hehe
About this Blizzard thing: I think that by now (3 years later from when I first saw them) whoever is selling/working with "midnight" Blizzards, is selective breeding the darker ones together. I do not see any reason why it is not possible to make selectively bred darker Blizzards.
I do not know for sure, if dark Blizzard X dark Blizzard will give you a larger number of dark Blizzards, but I think that is all they are saying they have done w/ the "midnights".
Nothing wrong with dark Blizzards, unless you payed alot more for them I mean.
trizzypballr said:Everyone is throwing a stink about midnight blizzards, if they are linebred to be dark, whats awrong with calling them midnights then? Its kinda like tangerines, you have your average tangs, and then you have your TANG TANGS. Maybe blizzards have more than one gene going on, maybe the recessive gene just allows some type of polygenic gene to show? blizzards can have line bred yellow in them, they can be linebred dark, there oviously is something else going on
Gregg M said:The same goes for the yellow blizzards unless they are TRUE banana blizzards.... You would think in like 4 generations you would see some consistancy...
They are just variable and their color is just a random thing....
Gazz said:I've got a intresting chaptor in a book somthing along the lines of if you incubate dark get hatch's dark hatchings with these darker hatchings it then bounce's onto a genetic behavior so by breeding the darks it results in darker babys regardless of incubator temp so maybe there is somthing there in the midnight i wonder if that maybe the same for result for Dookie browns-(choco's) incubate to get the first dookie but is it needed after that point ? will a dookie X regular albino give dookie's even in higher incubated temp ? or maybe even will a dookie X normal non albino give you darker normals offspring ?.Anyway i'll try and scan the chaptor tomorrow so you can read it you self the auther of the book is Philippe de Vosjoli and from what i've read he is a well respected herpitoligist.
Gazz said:Have to disagree there you breed a hi yellow bliz to a hi yellow blizzard it dose result in hi yellow bliz that's genetic.If a hi yellow bliz doesn't exsist nither do standed hi yellow leo both made the same way.breeding yellow to yellow to yellow 'etc'etc'etc will make it strong enough to be a genetic trait.The same Can be don't by breeding black to black to black 'etc'etc'etc it's just not strong enough hold yet to be classed as a seperate blizzard strain that's all give it around another 5 or so years it will happen and be true and strong blizzard trait to meney people are trying to do it for it not to happen.