You look great!!! I hated mine and had to wear them for 3-4 years. I didn't get them off until right before I turned 15. Now my daughter needs them, but she has to wait until next year's tax return.
thanks guys!!!!! O_O tonight was the 8th grade dance & i did stuff with my hair and didn't wear my glasses.....all i heard was EMILY!!! from like 6 girls. i turn around and was like uhhhhh....and they didn't say anything just started talking I'm like ok then...
My best friend in Jr. High had braces and I thought it was cool so I wanted braces SO bad I tried everything to get them. Unfortunately except for a very small gap between my front teeth I have pretty straight teeth so I never got them. Later in life when I realized what braces were really like I was very happy I never got
And yeah, I echo what everyone has already said, you look great.