Brazilian rainbow boa?


Shillelagh Law
How tame are these?

I don't like the word tame. They are usually fairly docile and laid back, though babies can be a little defensive and they can take a shot at people if provoked or mishandled. They're rarely problematic.

how active are they in the day?

Not very. They're nocturnal ambush predators, they're not very active except under highly specific circumstances. You'll get a little cage cruising at night, and see more behavior when they're looking for food, as a result of some environmental changes and when ready to breed... but during the day, most days, they hide and sleep.

can you start them off on pinky rats or no?

Borderline, rat pinks are a bit big for brand spanking new BRB neos. Looking at something generally in the mouse fuzzy-crawler range for a couple months. The usual rules for (most) boids apply for prey selection, size of the snake's head, width of the body, eyeball it and use your best judgment. It's pretty straightforward.

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