Breeding age


New Member
I hear people saying that it is ok to breed as early as 7 months, how true is that and how do u tell if a gecko is sexually mature and ready to breed?
good 'ol AL :/
I think that about a year is when they should be able to start breeding, that is if they are a good weight already, as said above. We've even had a couple of people tell us that they weight until they're a year and a half or so.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
The thing with breeding age/weight is it is all circumstantial and a generalization. We prefer to breed our geckos as close to a year as possible. No we dont always do this and will sometimes breed them as early as 8 months old. The individual gecko will determine when we feel safe doing it. We factor in weight, length, how readily they are eating and quantities being consumed, and an overall health assessment. Obviously not all geckos work for this...they may be smaller or shorter or be erratic eaters. You cant really tell if they are sexual mature...but even a young gecko will ovulate. Just because they are ovulating doesnt mean they need to be bred. Best way to think about it (as sad or disturbing as it may seem) is to think of it in humans. Just because you CAN produce babies does that mean they should or are in ideal conditions and development for it to be done.

All of our breeders are over 60g and a minimum of 8 months old. We are a very small scale breeder and quantity is not as important as quality so we prefer 10 healthy babies and a well recovered female than 20 decently developed babies and a thin and stressed female. really whats the rush to breed them too young. So yes you can breed at 7 months (if she ovulates for you) but ultimately its your call on when she is bred. Base your decision on the gecko itself and not a standard. Hope this helps some...dont mean to be long winded but I think too many people just see $$$ and want to breed their gecko and dont realize what effects it has on their geckos.


New Member
Thanks for all the inputs. :) I'm just getting confused and just wanna know the right age for breeding before I start breeding my females, I don't want to meet any problems along the way.

How about for males? How do u know he is ready? Is it possible for a male to be of right size and weight but is not yet mature and could produce infertile eggs instead? Sorry for the questions, been searching but not getting the answers I need.
good 'ol AL :/
Thanks for all the inputs. :) I'm just getting confused and just wanna know the right age for breeding before I start breeding my females, I don't want to meet any problems along the way.

How about for males? How do u know he is ready? Is it possible for a male to be of right size and weight but is not yet mature and could produce infertile eggs instead? Sorry for the questions, been searching but not getting the answers I need.

I think the males are always ready. (lol) When we got our first female, we had her in a 10 gal tank next to our others while we were setting up our gecko condominium (lol). One of our males was right next to her and could see her. He was only about 6 months old at the time, but was running around in his cage vibrating his tail at her. It was hilarious. (lol)


New Member
I think the males are always ready. (lol) When we got our first female, we had her in a 10 gal tank next to our others while we were setting up our gecko condominium (lol). One of our males was right next to her and could see her. He was only about 6 months old at the time, but was running around in his cage vibrating his tail at her. It was hilarious. (lol)

Hahaha thats funny! Like my male he is always in the mood for some loving. But my other males are still kids so I know they want to do it but im afraid that they might make infertile eggs if they are too young?

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