Breeding Bell with Blizzard


Mack Leo Boy

If I breed my bell albino male with my blizzard female what percentage of babies would I get? Would I hatch out any bell blazing blizzards? Thanks.


New Member
if you cross a bell with a blizzard you will get normal looking geckos het for both bell and blizzard

to get a blazing you would need of of the following pairs (to possibly get a blazing bell.. chances are you will get all normals or blizzards or bells depending on the pair being bred and NO blazings, in fact i believe only ONE bell blazing blizzard has ever been produced):

double het bell/blizzard x double het bell/blizzard

double het bell blizzard x bell het blizzard

double het bell blizzard x blizzard het bell

blizzard het bell x blizzard het bell

blizzard het bell x bell het blizzard

bell het blizzard x bell het blizzard

i think thats it, too early to think about genetics

p.s. too early to do percentages for each pairing too
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New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
They would all look normal and be 100% het for both traits.

If you took a male and female from that breeding and paired them up you might get a Blazzing Blizzard (6.25% chance). BUT from my understanding the Bell and Blizzard genes do not mix well. Only one Bell BB has ever been produced and I don't think it lived long.
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New Member
Stitch said:
They would all look normal and be 100% het for both traits.

If you took a male and female from that breeding and paired them up you should get all Blazzing Blizzards. BUT from my understanding the Bell and Blizzard genes do not mix well. Only one Bell BB has ever been produced and I don't think it lived long.

are you on crack? double het bell blizzard x double het bell blizzard will give you at best a 1 in 16 chance of getting bell blazing blizzard.

please and i am trying to be nice. DO not give out genetics advice if you do not know or understand genetics
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New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
Please forgive me. I don't know where I got all of them being BB from, but I did get a phone call while I was typing so maybe that was it. I do know that het x het will not produce 100% BB. I did not check the percentages on this crossing and that was my fault or else I would have mentioned the 6.25% of getting a BB. I even read what you posted before me and I was thinking to myself, that's what I was saying without bereaking down all of the possibilities.

I admit I am not the best when it comes to genetics. But I do know them in the simplest terms. Like I said I made a mistake and did not check myself , that is my fault. That happens when you get distracted.


Bells Rule!
robin said:
are you on crack?

LOL! :main_laugh:

Your best pairing would be Blizzard het Bell x Bell het Blizzard. This way you have no possible hets. Of course you'll have to make double hets first and then either get lucky or wait another season and prove out the Blizzards to be het Bell and Bells het Blizzard.

This would statistically give you:

25% Normal double het BBB
25% Blizzard het Bell
25% Bell het Blizzard
25% Bell Blazing Blizzard

EDIT: I wonder who got that Bell Blazing making group Kelli had for sale last year? With what she had in that group there should be lots of BBBs coming soon...
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You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
If you breed them you will get double hets for Bell and Blizzard, as stated above. If you were to breed the siblings together, the percentage breakdown would be:

6.25% Blazing Bell Blizzard
18.75% Bell 66.7% het Blizzard
18.75% Blizzard 66.7% het Bell
56.25% Normal Possible Hets and Double Hets (No way to know unless they are proven out)


New Member
Kotsay1414 said:
If you breed them you will get double hets for Bell and Blizzard, as stated above. If you were to breed the siblings together, the percentage breakdown would be:

6.25% Blazing Bell Blizzard
18.75% Bell 66.7% het Blizzard
18.75% Blizzard 66.7% het Bell
56.25% Normal Possible Hets and Double Hets (No way to know unless they are proven out)
statistically you would get that but the chances are much slimmer, for the bell blazing blizzard. even getting blizz possible het bell and bell possibly het blizz are slim. tooget good chances you need to have a large group consisting of allot of females and several males. until the blizzards are proven het bell or the bells proven het blizzard or both.
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Mack Leo Boy

Thanks everyone. That sounds like a long project if I were to do it. I may go with something easier since I have never bread geckos before.

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