


hey guys (im new), i just received a pair of Super hypos from LLLreptile, and i have them in a 20 gallon breeder, i would like to breed them and then breed them back to my albino, this pair is HUGE both are about 7 1/2 - 8 inches long and are both in great condition. My question is... can i keep them together or do they HAVE to be seperated until i decide to breed them, because all thougho i have a couple of extra 20 gallons around i much rather use those for my other breeding projects, there are many hides for the pair so the female can escape from the male. Also can someone please explain how to breed leos because although i did research i do not understand exactly. I will post pics if asked to do so.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF.

You can keep the male and female together if they appear to be able to co-exist without one bullying or pestering the other. It works with some pairs and not with others.

How to breed is a long topic, too long for a single response. Here is how to find out about breeding:

--get one of the popular leopard gecko books (e.g. "The Leopard Gecko Manual" by de Vosjoli) and read the breeding section

--do a google search for "leopard gecko" breeding and you'll find some nice care sheets

--send me your email and I"ll send you the 8-page section on breeding I just fiinished writing for the still mythical GF book on leopard gecko care

--read through the breeding sections here. Copy and paste anything that seems useful into a document for yourself that you can use as reference.

--after you read all this stuff, you'll probably have some much more focused questions. Ask them here and you'll et quality answers.



Welcome to GF.

You can keep the male and female together if they appear to be able to co-exist without one bullying or pestering the other. It works with some pairs and not with others.

How to breed is a long topic, too long for a single response. Here is how to find out about breeding:

--get one of the popular leopard gecko books (e.g. "The Leopard Gecko Manual" by de Vosjoli) and read the breeding section

--do a google search for "leopard gecko" breeding and you'll find some nice care sheets

--send me your email and I"ll send you the 8-page section on breeding I just fiinished writing for the still mythical GF book on leopard gecko care

--read through the breeding sections here. Copy and paste anything that seems useful into a document for yourself that you can use as reference.

--after you read all this stuff, you'll probably have some much more focused questions. Ask them here and you'll et quality answers.

Yes, my e-mail is [email protected], they dont seem to bother each other, probably due to the fact that there is a lot of room, and hides for them to getaway, the reason i asked the question is because some one told me the male will "rape" the female to many times and will cause the female stress. here is a pic of the female, male, and enclosure feel free to criticize




Do you think i was ripped off getting this pair at 119$

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