breeding lifespans?


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
how many years worth of breeding do you get from your geckos?

what do you do with your geckos when they are too old to breed?

is their a diferance between males and females as far as breeding life span?


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
HepCatMoe said:
how many years worth of breeding do you get from your geckos?
According to Tremper's book, The Herpetculture of Leopard Geckos, he says female Leopard Geckos go through menopause around age nine. He also says they usally produce about 100 eggs in their lifetime.

I currently have 1 first time breeder who is 10 1/2 so I'm not sure how accurate it is.

HepCatMoe said:
what do you do with your geckos when they are too old to breed?
I have one gecko who went through menopause. She is now a pet only. I love her :)

HepCatMoe said:
is their a diferance between males and females as far as breeding life span?
I'm not sure on this one, someone else will probably be a better help on it.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have a female who's 6 and has never been a good breeder in the 3 seasons I've had her. This is her last year with me as a breeder. After the season she will go in full-time with my normal male who I don't breed. If something develops that's fine. If he bothers her too much I'll separate her. I do find that since I leave my males and females together from Jan. to Oct. that as the season progresses the males leave them alone more. Eventually I hope to have a large cage with several levels for my "retired" females or to sell them as pets to people I know who will take good care of them.



Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
thanks for the answers guys. i look forward to hearing more.

i currently only have 2 fat tails, but i plan on eventually getting a pretty good breeding colony going. and hopefully breeding through several generations.

im thinking super long term maybe ill just set up a gigantic (seriously huge) display terrarium for all my retirees.

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