breeding morph question

Auckland new zealand
hi i would like to say thank you in advance for everyones time and co operation in helping me with a few question i have

say i have a aptor het raptor male and hi yellow or normal females and breed them together they would only have normal hi yellow babies with aptor genes but no aptors or raptors? but if i cross the babies back to dad (aptor het raptor) i would get some aptors? thank you


New Member
Well, to start with, you should head over to this genetic calculator and start playing with it, and possibly the genetics articles here. That should give you a start on learning the genetics involved.

As for your Aptor x high yellow/normal cross...

The only traits that you can put into the calculator are the Tremper and the het Eclipse, as the patternless stripe genes and tangerine that make up the Raptor are line-bred traits. The results would be approximately 1/2 normal het Tremper and 1/2 normal het Tremper and Eclipse, with no real visual way of telling the difference. These "normals" would have a range of tangerine color and spotting/striping depending on the genetics of your Raptor.

Crossing one of the offspring back to the father would get you around 1/4 Tremper, 1/4 Tremper het Eclipse, 1/4 normal het Tremper, and 1/4 normal het Tremper and Eclipse IF it was just het Tremper. If it was also het Eclipse, you would get similar results (with different ratios) and also have a chance of getting Eclipse het Tremper (1/8) and Raptor (1/8).

Just remember with genetics, these ratios are just chances that each individual egg will produce a specific morph/genetic combo. If you get 4 babies, there is no guarantee that 1 will be Tremper, one Tremper het Eclipse, one normal het Tremper, and one normal het Tremper/Eclipse.

Hope that helps!
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