Do you think it is a bad idea to breed a 9 years old virgin female? Is there a difference between old first time breeders and young first time breeders? Will she be more likely to egg bound or have other health issues?
I'd let her be. We have a 9 year virgin female, and we'll never breed her. I think at this age, that it's nicest, and probably best, to just let her be. With ages comes more risk, always; so I imagine that it would be in her best interest to let her live out her happy days without the added stress. Just my two cents, of course.
I agree. At 9 years old, her fertility rate is going to be way low anyways. That combined with the risks associated with breeding old animals, it's best to just let her enjoy her life without the stress of egg production, imo.
Alright, I won't breed her then, her well being is my no. 1 concern. I'm not worried about fertility rate, I'm just after one or 2 offsprings from her. As most of my geckos are getting older each year, I just wish I can have a 2nd generation from them.