Breeding problem with a Giant male

Fran Lhotka
Madrid, Spain
Hi guys.

I've got this really beautiful year and a half old Giant Mack Snow Raptor and I'm having a great trouble when pairing him with females :(. I am pretty sure that all the females that I have recently put in a box with him are all ovulating, but what he does, he first do the fast vibration thing with his tail, than moves his body and legs in a jerky manner like the males does that normally before mating and then he simply very strongly bites the female in the middle portion of the tail. All the females are holding still until that particular moment but when bitten, they react in a painful manner and some bite him back. It is not a normal small bite like other males are doing when starting the procedure, it is like he wants to hurts them. I don't know what to do? Some of the females that I left over night had wounds on their tales. Do you have any suggestion what I can do? I normally have one empty box which is dedicated for pairing with only this group and I put male and one female all in the same time in it. I also have tried putting 2 females in the same time but he doesn’t seems interested very much.
Did some of you had such problems with males and how did you solve it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated :main_yes:


New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
I know some males can be kinda rough on females when breeding. It's not too common though. I'd suggest waiting on breeding him. Give him a few weeks or even up to a month then try again. Good Luck!

Fran Lhotka
Madrid, Spain
Thanks for the tip! I have received some other infos as well like to put him on slightly lower temperatures for a few days and than to try it and as well to put him with a female for 2-3 days to soften him up ;).

Fran Lhotka
Madrid, Spain
The thing with the lowering temperatures for a few days actually worked for this Giant male :). Many thanks to Jeff if he actually see this thread :main_thumbsup:. Here is the photo with the big male and a normal size female and to see something like this before was impossible :main_yes:.

Fran Lhotka
Madrid, Spain
Well, the male is almost double the size and weight, he's around 114g and she's around 58g. I do have also in a group a Super Giant female which is his size and around 103g so they are more of a match ;).

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