ok i put my male with my female and i always hear that tail vibrating and he doesn't mate with her after the tail wiggle. is it accruing at night mostly or will they most likely do it in the day.
It'll happen anytime, but since they're more active at night probably then. If you don't see them mate I guess you'll have to wait to see if she lays fertile eggs.
Yup! The vibrating tail means the male is sexually responsive to the female. Now, the trick is... is she responsive to him? If she is ovulating, she will accept the male, if not, then she will chase him off.
Some females will aggressively fend off the male if they're not ready to mate but some that are more passive can just lay in the corner or run away from him.
...you guys check you female for see if she are "during avulation" or simply try to put the male and see if she is responsive?
...some of my female don't like too much stay in this position and i hate force them
i check mine my boys have alot of work to do this year so i have to put them in when the females are ready. all it takes is a simple lift of the tail gentily till the back legs are up off the ground this is best done on something they cant grip and you should have no problem. pink spots are great