Well I don't like the all white snakes myself but i'm sure you knew what i meant by the BEL balls. Butters, Mojos, Lessers, i think there are a couple more in there lol. Whatever that is working on the Allee (sp).
I have tons of great ideas with the Ball Pythons that are out there it's just that it takes SOOOO much time to really get those 4-6 gene combos. Damn near 10 years ya know
oh i know exactly what you mean. you got to get the snakes, the genetics and then grow them up, cross this to that, hold this back and so on and so fourth heh
You damn near have to have kids just to finish your projects it takes so long. Like imagine a Super Pastel, Lesser, Spider, Cinny, Fire, Calico...oh yeah toss in Hidden Gene Woma and Hidden Gene Lesser LOL. Thats about a 25k project that you'll never live to see.