buying a new viv... long and low, or narrow and high?

Paula Marez

New Member
San Diego
So I'm planning on buying a new aquarium/viv for General Fang in a few months when he/she is bigger. I originally planned to get a 40 long, seeing as how these are "ground dwelling" animals. However, I've discovered that G. Fang loves to climb up up up. Sometimes I'll find him at the top of the cage, on top of a fake plant, as high as he can possibly get. I take him out and he loves to climb the back of my couch, we do that for about 10 minutes a few times a week, just my way of helping him to satisfy his urge. He does have a second level in his current arrangement, with a bridge and a ramp made from cork and also one of those Lizard Ladder things. The plant is on the second level.

He only does this at night, when he's naturally more active. He sleeps well in his warm hide most of the day, seems perfectly content. Very healthy, no signs of stress. Just loves to be UP!

So... Should I get a taller tank? I don't have room for tall AND wide. I'm not talking HUGE here, just maybe 3 or 4 feet tall by 2 feet wide, approximately.

Opinions? Safety concerns?

thanks :)

Paula Marez

New Member
San Diego
also, I was initially concerned this his (her?) climbing was about trying to get cool, or get away from something, but I have a snazzy infa-red temp gauge and everything is normal. I have a ceramic heat lamp but I don't use it this time of year (I'm in SoCal); the air temp is normal. At all other times, he can be found skulking around all areas of his home on the ground level: warm hide, cool hide, and humid hide.... so I quit worrying about his behavior being stress related and started thinking it was just his way of entertaining himself.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some of them do like to climb, though as you know they're primarily arboreal. I find that a 12" height seems to be more than enough to satisfy a leopard gecko. There's always a chance they'll fall and too great a height could lead to an injury.


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