Congratulation on the new addition to the family!! I think Cadence is definitely a keeper!! Wishing you guys the best and hoping she will be home real soon. I know it has got to be tough for you guys, but at least she is being well cared for. Give her a big kiss from all of us and tell her she has an online family also!!!
Congratulations again, Shanti. Cadence is such a beautiful girl, she seems very "sturdy" as a new born, I'm sure she will come home with you very soon.
Congratulations! I am sure you two are thrilled. Bringing a child into this world is both exciting and scary, but it is definitely something you will cherish and never forget. Good Luck!
OMG LOOK AT THAT HAIR!!!!!!! Alex is 2 and doesn't have that much!!!
Great to see that everything is progressing in the positive direction, it will only be a matter of time before she's home keeping you up half the night!!!
Conrats Shanti. Just a thought and you prob already know this-breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed. That is the best thing, especially if she's having some trouble. You can pump and they can give it to her via spoon or lastly bottle, but you want to try to avoid any nip confusion. Get in contact with the hospital lactaion consultant or your local LLL group asap. Also there is a great book called kangaroocare that is just great. If you want, you or Eric can pm me for more info. Best of luck, she's beautiful.
ok i know im a little bit on the late side.. but CONGRATS SHANTI!!!!
Cadence is a beautiful name.. and she is absolutely precious..hehe
i was gonna name Tori that if i didnt think of naming her after my sister's middle name..