Calcium Dish and D3 Questions


Aunt J

I know I'm supposed to leave a dish with calcium in the cage. My question is, if I'm leaving mealies (in an escape proof dish) in there all the time, and put a small bit of calcium in that dish for the mealies to crawl around in, does that take care of the calcium in the cage requirement, or do I need a separate bowl with calcium in addition to the calcium/mealie dish?

Also, with respect to D3 -- as long as they are getting calcium without D3 with their mealies all the time, is it enough to give them D3 through once-a-week vitamin dusting? Or do I also have to give them calcium with D3 sometimes?


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Aunt J said:
I know I'm supposed to leave a dish with calcium in the cage. My question is, if I'm leaving mealies (in an escape proof dish) in there all the time, and put a small bit of calcium in that dish for the mealies to crawl around in, does that take care of the calcium in the cage requirement, or do I need a separate bowl with calcium in addition to the calcium/mealie dish?

I think your best option is to use a dish of calcium, and instead of calcium in the mealworm dish, use mealie gutload. This is working great for me.

I do not know the answer to your D3 question


New Member
New York
You need a small dish just for calcium powder, the calcium dish should have just regular calcium powder without vitimain D3 in it. Only use the calcium powder with vitimain D3 in it, for dusting the food. Hope that helps :)

Aunt J

Thanks! I'll add a dish of calcium (non d3) in addition to the calcium with the mealies. I've been gutloading the mealies for at least 24 hours before putting them in with the geckos, so the geckos can eat when they want to and I'm sure they're getting the calcium. I also tweezer-feed every other day and dust once a week with vitamin powder, which has d3. Does that sound okay?

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