california kingsnake living vivarium?

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
hey there,
i just caught a baby california king outside.normally i wouldnt keep a wild animal,but since its a baby,it's like its captive bred because it has only been alive for about 2-3 weeks.anyways,i have it in a 10 gallon with aspen,but i wanted to give it a living vivarium.what plants should i use?and is this even possible?like substrate wise,is coco fibre good?this is my first snake,excluding some 3-5 foot adults i have kept for about a week each.any tips or suggestions are appreciated!

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
My suggestion is you let it go... With all of the healthy, acclimated, captive stock available, there is no need to take an animal from the wild... You would be better off buying one from a reputable breeder especially being that it is your first snake...

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
i would get a cb snake,but my mom wont let me.which i dont understand because when i told her that i'd let this one go that can get to 5 feet,and get a kenyan sand boa or a house snake that get like 2 feet,she said know.she thinks and is hopiong its gonna die but its eating great and growing great.and its easily handleable.someitmes i dont understand parents.

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