Calling all Snow Experts - Opinion?


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
My suspicions are that the mother to my snows this year is not what she seems. She was sold to me as a Mack Snow but is it possible that she could be a different type of snow or a combo of Snows?

My suspicions have a lot to do with the fact that almost all, suspect all of her hatchlings are snows. Seriously seems like I am hitting the odds too much!

Mom (she is very white for a Mack Snow)




Hatchlings of the Season from this pair... Jungle MS RAPTOR X MS Eclipse het RAPTOR







*Not pictured*Banded MS RAPTOR
*Not pictured*Banded RAPTOR (possible Snow)

*Not pictured*Jungle RAPTOR - did not make it out of the egg. I dont think it was snow but hard to say.
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Mod Squad Member
Sterling Ohio
Mom is a Mack Snow Eclipse het Tremper.
Dad is Mack Snow Tremper (Eclipse or het Eclipse depending on his eyes)

This is determined by the offspring you have listed above. Super Snow Tremper, Super Snow Eclipse.

Nice looking babies, congrats!


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Mom is a Mack Snow Eclipse het Tremper.
Dad is Mack Snow Tremper (Eclipse or het Eclipse depending on his eyes)

This is determined by the offspring you have listed above. Super Snow Tremper, Super Snow Eclipse.

Nice looking babies, congrats!

Sorry Im confused... The gecko in question is the Mom of all the babies. I do not know her parents or her lineage. So you are saying she is definitely Mack Snow and not like Gem Snow or idk line bred Snow?

The dad to the hatchlings is a Mack Snow RAPTOR, came from Bright Albino and I know his parents. His parents were a MS/SS(one or the other cant remember) RAPTOR and a RAPTOR
All Hatchlings are eclipses and have solid eyes (so far), both parents have solid eyes.
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Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
She must be a Mack Snow Eclipse het tremper. I might of misunderstood the question but was there confusion about the eyes and if she was a supersnow or a mack snow eclipse. Id say your just having good odds and come here to Las vegas! 25% chance youll get normals. Let it ride!

Pretty babies btw sorry about the one that didnt make it.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
She must be a Mack Snow Eclipse het tremper. I might of misunderstood the question but was there confusion about the eyes and if she was a supersnow or a mack snow eclipse. Id say your just having good odds and come here to Las vegas! 25% chance youll get normals. Let it ride!

Pretty babies btw sorry about the one that didnt make it.

Hey it happens, I feel fortunate that it has not happened more to me this year. Has happened to a lot of people lately, last couple years. I have only lost 2 eggs, 1 was misshapen upon laying and died shortly after and the other was the baby mentioned above that was full developed that didnt make it.

Hehe yeah I think I used all my luck at the beginning of the season. Only two more eggs to go for that pair, I dont think she will lay anymore since she has actually starting eating again... first time since February! 12 total for a first year female... not bad.

So 3/10 were possible snows, 4/10 super snows, and 3/10 mack snows or a total of 7/10 confirmed snows from a MS X MS combo.

MS X MS is 25% SS, 50% MS, and 25% normal. Ok so if those three are not snows then that's pretty accurate as far as non snows (30% vs 25%), Super snows I am def hitting jackpot (40% vs 25%), and then Macks I am under possibly due to Supers being so high (30% vs 50%).

Sorry that was really long... been one of those days where you just cant stop!

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