Can a leo get stuck in things?


New Member
So our leo is living up to his name(Loki), I woke up this morning and looked in the tank and poof he wasn't there. I looked in his log his moist hide and his dry hides still could not find him. so i took the tank apart to make sure he was not under the repticarpet and still could not find the trickster. So after looking around my room i had though he had escaped. For about 10 mins I though I really underestimated the strength of a 4 1/2 inch gecko to push a screen top and two heat lamps up so he can escape a 10gallon glass tank. Something was bothering me tho, when the log was removed from his tank it felt a little heavy. I didn't think much about it at the time because it was the first thing I took out to look for him but I went back to it and looked inside. Well I found him in the top of this log and I cant tell if he is stuck or not. Were he is does not look like that spot is supposed to accessed by an animal but then again if a animal can get in it can, most of the time, get out. But just curious if they can actually get stuck in things. ill attack a picture but its hard to see him.
if u look to the right of the "green" ( the out side of the log is the green part ) u can just barely see a little patch of light grey with a tiny spec of white and orange attached to. Yup that's is him.


New Member
Between two terrariums
Anything solid can get stuck -- leos may *seem* like liquids some of the time, but they are in fact mere mortals like the rest of us. ;) Have you let it be for a while to see if he tries to come out on his own when it seems safe? He's small, so that's in his favor, and leos wedge themselves in all manner of places. But he may be young and stupid too :p so if something seems wrong (he doesn't move at all for a while, he tries to move and doesn't get anywhere) I guess I'd start looking into getting him out.
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Winchester, UK
lol hell most probs come out when he wants.
i had a hatching get his head stuck in a coconut hide before, there's was a tiny hole in the top and he tried to get through it. he did eventually wiggle back :p
Its a bit like the wet sign scenario XD


New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
My son's first Leo got her head stuck in a fake log.

We did get her out without hurting her but it was frightening for everyone!

I hope your's gets out on it's own soon.


New Member
Well he did get out tonight at around 7 ( its around the time he starts to get active and when we feed him) so he is roaming around now. I just wish he didn't like that log some much. We have a moist hide which he is in my 30% of the time and he is in that log 65% of the time, mostly during daylight hours when he is sleeping and I rarely ever see him in his dry hide which we changed from a big hide that had 2 entrances ( was just a typical rock u would see at a pet store) to a exo terra reptiden. Well I hope he explores it soon :p
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New Member
Bay Area (CA)
Yeah, at school, people thought the gecko named Jack-O (Because the pattern on his head looks like a Jack-O-Lantern) was stuck in this curved log (with small exit) and I was pretty sure he wasn't stuck. He got out later like water when everyone was starring at that unusual hide :p.

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