Can a leo Geckos tail be too fat? our Leo is 9 months old she is eating 5 gutloaded dusted crickets every other day pooping well and shedding fine but her tail is very thick just after the base. We are new to keeping leo's and would just like a little reassurance that she is ok she is 47g at last shed, her temps are 89 on the hot side and 73 on the cold side. I have enclosed a picture any help would be appreciated
Can a leo Geckos tail be too fat? our Leo is 9 months old she is eating 5 gutloaded dusted crickets every other day pooping well and shedding fine but her tail is very thick just after the base. We are new to keeping leo's and would just like a little reassurance that she is ok she is 47g at last shed, her temps are 89 on the hot side and 73 on the cold side. I have enclosed a picture any help would be appreciated