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  • Hey Tommy, He's doing great, he's actually in shed right now, I'm going to be snapping some more photo's of him after he's done. I swear he is the calmest reptile I've ever had in captivity, eating like a champ as well. So you got any breeding projects going?
    Heya Tommy, just wanted to let you know, the male I purchased from you is doing fine, he's getting ready to shed and being a bit of a fussy butt the past day, not wanting to eat, but no worries here, after he's through shedding I'm gonna post some updated pics of him. How's things going on your end?
    Heya Tommy, just wanted to let you know that the male SHTCTB I got from you is doing good, he started eating for me lastnight, I had 10 mealworms in an escape proof bowl, when I woke up this morning there were 2 left, lol, searched the cage and no mealworms in sight. Anyway, his colors are looking great, I'll post some pics up on the forums soon.
    Yeah Im going to soon, not exactly sure when, been really lazy over the holidays =]. Ill try to make one maybe tuesday or something like that :D
    Tommy, thanks for your business again! That girl is a good eater, you should produce some nice stuff with the male you are pairing her with. Take care and have a Merry Christmas!
    Tommy, I have several 100% red eyed RAPTOR females that will be ready to breed in the next couple of months. Let me know when your ready and I'll send you some pics.
    Tommy, we have some really nice dark tangs that hatched out, all hold backs of course :D. We also have several Tremper Enigmas het/possible het RAPTOR and 4-5 full red eyed RAPTOR females. Let me know what your interested in and I can send some pics. Take Care.
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