What makes a "giant" leo is a hatchling that comes from documented known giant/super giant parents. Size alone does not a giant make. How much does that big boy eat?
Oic, i'm not sure of his age as it was a neglected pet which pass to me a few months back which look terribly skinny at that time. Most likely maybe 2yrs above. His main diet is superworms. i am glad that its eating great under my care. As i've never seen a giant before so sort of wild guessing he could be one of them with his huge size, anyway thanks.
thing with saying its a giant is not size alone but weight. One of mine(snow patternless) is 10 inchs and 100 grams. He is in no way a giant. I know he came from average parents and hes pretty large. Hes only a year. I dont think your guys a giant. Hes big, hes healthy, and hes in good hands now;D If he was neglected then chances are his growth was stunted(have 2 rescues of my own) he COULD have came from a giant line but with trempers unless you know there from a giant or super giant then its impossible to say yes or no. If ya look around some people will say grandchild to Moose which is/was(i think theres a new one) the biggest leo out there. Now-a-days tho you can get a tremper at a pet store...Regradless he looks like hes in good health.