can I put a juvie in with adults?

Mostly Broken

New Member
I am new to this and have been presented with a question that I have not researched yet. My nephew wants a gecko after seeing mine, his mother says he can not keep it at his house so I said he could keep it at mine. My geckos are pretty much adults and his would be a juvie. can they be in the same tank? I know not to get a male but other than that as long as they have space and food would it all be good?

Mostly Broken

New Member
once it is bigger would it work out? I plan on putting it in while I watch it and then when I am not next to the tank remove it so they can get used to the new guy.


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
Geckos should not be housed together, its a risk and bad things can happen.

I would not say that geckos should not be housed together at all. Personally, I house all of mine individually, but with the proper precautions some females can get along. I believe in housing them individually but i do not think it is right to say that they should never be housed together.


New Member
I think you can house them together, but not while the new one is still a juvi, you should wait until they are roughly the same size so one doesn't automatically assume dominance over the other. Before you house them together, introduce them and make sure they get along with each other. When they are together, keep a close eye on them for the first week, if nothing has happened then you should be good. My females live together happily. Just make sure you provide enough hides incase they need time alone haha.


New Member
Central Texas
I would not say that geckos should not be housed together at all. Personally, I house all of mine individually, but with the proper precautions some females can get along. I believe in housing them individually but i do not think it is right to say that they should never be housed together.

I disagree, individual housing is best. It's to big of a risk. In nature they stay pretty solitude. So why change that in captivity?


New Member
Central Texas
I didn't say 'never', I said it is a risk. That cannot be argued.
There is no guarantee... Ever. So in my opinion colonies are not better than individual housing. It is what it is, if a beginner asked what's best, then go with the safest option.
Again just my personal opinion. I think you're first statement stands firm


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
I didn't say 'never', I said it is a risk. That cannot be argued.

I know. In my opinion, it is wrong to say a general statement that geckos should not be housed together. There are just too many factors and different situations that go into that equation. I know what you meant by it though. And yes it is a risk, which is why mine are all housed separately. It is a risk every time i put a male in a female tub to breed.


Wonder Reptiles
Oh agreed, breeding will be a stressful experience for me (and I havent even bred anyone yet).


Central TX.
I have 2 from Petsmart they have been raised together and lived together at the store for quite some time, I bought them 2 days apart. I'm not sure if they are boys or girls yet as they are to young. They hang out together in the XL moist hide and in the cool bonsai together. They are like bud's (-: even when there is 1 worm and one grabs before other can snatch it he will go in cave. They even use each other for pillows in the moist hide. I have a wash moist cloth folded so they can lay on the tile on the warm side or on the moist cloth, sometimes they both lay in the back and use the cloth to rest there head on. Its so cute watching them grow and snuggle.

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