can you house a day old gecko with a 5 week old gecko ?


New Member
that realy the question? its a large tupperware box with a heat mat under it and kitchen roll as the floor ?

will the bigger one trample the little guy ... should i just keeep them seperate like im doing now ?


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
definitely seperate them. i have had a baby leo eat another baby leo in the past. now i only keep like sized ones together, i learned the hard way lol.

Yikes! Didn't know they were capable of cannabilism :( We have kept clutchmates together for the first week or two but, IMO its best to separate so you can be sure each is eating and pooping and all is well. If there were to be anything that turns up wrong with one, when they are housed together, there's always a doubt if another is involved.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
yeah unfortunately they are capable of eating eachother. i would like to keep all babies individually but for space reasons i keep them in groups of 2-4 and if i have a very small one hatch they are isolated since they are smaller and its possible for them to get bullied and i keep a good eye on them so one is not bulling others out of food.

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