Catching Crickets?


Aunt J

This may be a dumb question, but bear with me, I'm a little new to this!

Can I take the hides and other stuff out of the cage when I'm feeding my girls? I don't want to stress them out, but I want them to be able to easily see the crickets -- and I hate the darned crickets and want to be able to easily catch them again if the girls aren't interested.

Along those same lines -- my new girls are both about 1 year old. Is that considered adult or sub-adult? They are both still pretty small -- about six inches long and not very thick through the body and tail -- and look young to me, and they both still have the stripes of a younger leo. I ask because I'm not sure how often to feed them. Every night, like juveniles, or every other day or so like adults?


I have a lazy gecko that I have to remove all of his stuff from his tub so he will catch his crickets lol, so it's not a totally bad idea to do that.

I feed my adults (1 year & up) every other night.


New Member
New York
You can remove the hides for eating, defently make it easier for the geckos because the crix are gonna just hide. You could also tong feed them, thats what I do, dont have to worry about the cricks hiding and the leos cant get them. Your leos would be considered sub adults,teenagers, juvies,or whatever you want to call them.



Yeah the easiest and most effecient way to get my Gecko to eat is to take out of her shelter and remove objects so the crickets and keep avoiding her and don't immediately go hide under the wood.

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