Ceramic tile temp


New Member
I finally got a larger UTH for my 20 gallon, I had a smaller one and it did not seem very warm, and I got a thermometer to set on the floor to meaure the temps. I tested it for a few hours and the side with the uTH is measuring 96 ish, is that too warm?? I do have a dimmer for the red basking lamp that I use to help make a bit warmer, I could use it for the UTH instead. Also should I have 3 hides. one on the warm side, one on the cool side and a humid hide??? We had gotten rid of our leo to a pet store as my son did not want to take care of it, but I have been visiting him every other day and now I am bringing him back home, call me crazy, I just felt bad for the boy, or should I say girl, they think its a girl, I was told it was a boy.... Thanks all.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some people think 96 is a bit too high and some think it's just right. See if you leo (when you get it back) stays on the warm side and does well so you'll know if it's OK. The hides sound good.



New Member
My tank is tiled and the hot side stays between 92-96 all day and night that's with only using a uth no heat lamp.


New Member
I put damp moss in a rubbermaid container with a hole cut out of it. I got him when he was shedding so I did it like that. He's not shedding now so I took it out. I don't have alot of floor space so I took it out due to that. When I notice him getting pale again I will put the humid hide back in for him. If you have a big enough tank and can spare the floor space I'd say leave it in there all the time.


New Member
I see you said a 20gal tank is it a 20tall or a 20long? If it's a long leave it in there all the time, I have a 20tall and a 20long has 6 more inches of side to side floor space. You'd have plenty of room in a long. I don't know what your current hides are but maybe you can put some spaghnum moss damp inside his current hide when you notice he's gonna shed.


New Member
It is a 20 gallon long tank. I have a log hide on the warm side, and a moist hide and nother shelter on the cool side, water bowl is in the middle. I am nervous that he will not adjust to the new setup, with the tile in most of the floor, since he has been on sand at the pet store for 2 weeks now. I put his hamock back in, he always liked to lay on that, that is why I use the lamp on top too, since he spends time up there, he does not get the belly heat... Also the lady at the pet store told me to turn off the UTH at night, I have never done that before , does anyone else do that? she said in their normal habitat it gets cooler at night anyways.

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