I have followed a lot of Dr. Stein's studies and publications, and many of my beliefs are aligned with his. I respect, admire, and salute him.
I spent 26 years as a scientist. I got my BS from San Jose State University in Materials Science, and my MS from University of California in Berkeley in Chemical Engineering. I did my thesis on ion acceleration working at the Berkeley Cyclotron, Stanford's Linear Accelerator, and Lawrence Livermore Labs.
But I am also a Christian Minister... although unorthodox at times. I have been asked many times just HOW I can be a scientist and believe in God and Creation. For me, the answer is simple...
Science in mankind's way of trying understand God's works!
wow, i cant wait to see this, ill be the first in line at my theator. its not going to suprise me if this thread turns into a big dibate, so ill through my 2 cents in and let it be. like everything thing in life, i think there needs to be a happy medium. and that goes with this as well, i do think there is a higher power that some how put everything into motion and there for created evolution. i beleave in evolution for than the creation theory, but it just doesnt make, well the way they put it in the trailer, the mud didnt just come to life. man this movie is going to be great!!!!
That's awesome! I can't wait to see that! Maybe it will help people think about this whole teaching evolution in schools and rejecting creationism and a higher authority.
Wow, great info Jason, I haven't heard about this before now, I will definately be checking that out. We need more stuff like this than the crap we are getting bombarded with these days.
I was under the impression Darwinism was a more radical way of thinking than Creationism... At least in the United States of America... I mean "In God We Trust" or "One Nation Under God" right?