

New Member
So like yea.. I set up a second bank account a while back when I moved out with my boyfriend. I NEVER use checks. Hate em! So I left them at his house when I moved back home. He doesn't use them either as they've been at the bottom of a bin in his room... Well, I take that back. He's used one, but I knew about it. Anyway, I go to check to see which account has more money, so I can buy crickets and whatnot... Two checks have been written!!! One for 50 bucks, yesterday and one today for 20 bucks. I called and he has no idea, but he has a buddy staying over there. I'm going to be pissed if it's him. I actually like that guy. In a way I don't think it's him because they sleep all day long, so it wouldn't make since that it was him. Plus, my boyfriend has the car, so the friend (no names.. ha..) wouldn't have been able to go anywhere. The check numbers even match up with the one my boyfriend used a month ago; well, except it's one off. So where say the one he used was check # 001, these were 003,004. I didn't tell my boyfriend any specifics except how much they were written out for, no numbers or dates, so that when he calls on his next smoke break from cleaning, he can tell me whatever. Then, hopefully I can match something up. I mean this is ridiculous!!! He's going to check my checkbook to see if any are missing and if so he should be able to tell me the numbers. I'm thinking that my checkbook could have gotten mistaken for the friend's and possibly used. Or, a few checks were torn out and those were the ones written so far... It's rather frustrating. Let's say as soon as I can I'm getting the rest back. I can't really claim fraud because I left the checks there, but in a way I could. I'm not overdrawn yet, but getting there. And, it's weird. The checks were written out with even numbers. like 5.00 or 1.00 (not the numbers but that's about what I'm left with, slightly more).


I really find it hard to think you could accidently use someone elses check by mistake. I think I would look into that roommate or whatever more, cuse that seems a little fishy to me.


There should be no reason that you can't claim fraud...whether or not you left them there, they were used without your permission. That would be like leaving them at your house and someone who came over took them and used them. it doesn't matter where they are, just that they were used without authorization. I'd be contacting the police, talking to the bank and closing that account


New Member
I agree Mandi, but you know benefit of the doubt. But yea... I looked online and saw the check copies... Made out to John Doe with a crappy inpersonation of my signature. All you see is the W and the rest is all drawn out. I mean, my normal signature isn't the neatest but its scrunched up.... Whatever...

I did contact my bank today. Put a hold on the ENTIRE box of checks. Put a freeze on the middle check that hasn't cleared or even processed just in case. And as soon as possible I have to go in and sign an affadavit (totally butchered the spelling but I think you guys get it) to get the money back. But, of course my next day off isn't until NEXT Thursday! I'm super mad.

I couldn't get ahold of my boyfriend, so I called his grandmother, and was like he won't answer the phone I think he may be ignoring me bc of something Just tell him to call. She was like 'what?'. So I explained and she was like 'o'. She called and told him to get home and whatever. I'm hoping she and her husband will be like 'Get him out!'. I mean come on. If he'll take from his buddy's girlfriend why wouldn't he take from someone else.

They were talking about being broke at work today and I was like 'no'. Explain briefly what happened. They were like why didn't he take more? Well because that's all he needed at the time. But I couldn't figure out how to put it or any explanation so I don't think I said anything. But, then it clicked... That's all he needed. Plus Publix and most places will only cash up to a certain amount which is why there are two checks.

I'm really hoping he goes! I'll find out tonight after the grandparentals talk to my boyfriend.

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