Cleaning cage during/after parasite medication


New Member
So, Edna is getting a parasite culture done tonight and I will find out tomorrow what she has and after her current round of antibiotics are up and her leg is healed she'll be getting her parasites taken care of.

What I want to know is, what processes should I go through to clean her cage, items, etc. and with what do I clean with ( what part bleach, what part water?)- how often?

With the humid hide, should I stick to paper towels instead of a washcloth? Should I dispose of these daily?

Should I take any precautions with her feeder insects?

She's currently on paper towels with a bare tank aside from a water dish, rock hide and humid hide.


New Member
Miami, FL
It wouldn't suprise me if Edna came back positive for pinworms, since most reptiles have them anyway. You don't have to treat for them, unless the animal is actually having symptoms like regurgitation or diarrhea.

Bleach everything with a 10% bleach/ 90% water solution. Let everything soak for a good 30 minutes, then rinse. You can do this monthly, or even once every 2 months, depending on how many geckos live with Edna.

Certain feeder insects carry certain kinds of intestinal parasites. Pinworms DO NOT come from feeder insects. Pinworms are shed intermittantly, and as a result are only seen on a fecal sample when the animal is shedding the oocysts.

Use paper towels changed daily instead for the moist hide. The washcloth is a sponge that is harboring bacteria and parasites.

Add a calcium dish to the tank, and maybe a dish of mealworms or legless crickets so she can munch out whenever she wants. And if you can fit another hidespot in the tank, that would be super.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
If she isn't shedding I would ditch the humid hide for now and just have a dry cool hide. 10% bleach solution is typically used, 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. I would sanitize daily while she is being treated. Remove her to a temporary container, soak the hides and water dish in 10% bleach for 10 minutes, remove all organic matter from the tank (feces, shed, uneaten bugs) then spray with bleach solution and allow it to sit for 10 minutes, then rinse the tank and furniture until the bleach smell is gone. If you are able to use plastic storage containers instead of an aquarium to house your gecko during the treatment it will be much easier.


New Member
Thanks guys :) Appreciate it.

Jordan: Right now I'm having to monitor her eating habits so I don't leave a dish in there for her. I just feed her twice daily, and generally only a few at a time. If you check out Edna's thread in the Health forum you'll get an idea why :3 I can't put the calcium in there either because of her foot, so I'm just coating her feeders.


New Member
Miami, FL
I saw the thread after I posted that. You've been through a lot with this little one. It's really good that you've established a good relationship with a veterinarian who is familiar with her case. I wish I had more clients like you! You're so good with Edna! :)

The whole parasite situation as to where they come from depends on what kind of parasite you are dealing with. Usually Crypto is not detected on a "regular" fecal culture, unless the animal is LOADED. In which case, you would have a VERY sick little gecko on your hands. Let me know what the fecal test comes back like, and let me know what they treat with.


New Member
Thanks! Will do!

As far as the fecal test, it was really an on the spot thing since Edna just unloaded on the vet (talk about being angry!) and since it was there we just went ahead and got a test established. It wasn't really geared towards anything specific (you mentioned the crypto which was in her thread), but I'd like to be certain that when she's going through the stages of medication that I manage to clear out what I can :)


New Member
If you have other geckos make sure to take care of them first and then feed or clean Edna's tank. It will help with any possible cross contamination. That's my advice :)


New Member
Edna is the only gecko I have /at the present time/. I'm gaining Beth's geckos and snakes tomorrow, so I will keep that in mind for sure.
Thanks :)

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