I'm not going to ask for advice since I don't plan to use this substrate with my leos, so please don't post things like "go with papertowels/repti-carpet/slate" as you always do. I only want some constructive discussion on a substrate that for once, it's not sand.
It's a general opinion (I don't know in the USA, but in Europe at least it is) that coconut fiber (not chips) is a perfectly safe substrate, setting aside the fact that it retains humidity which is not advisable for leos.
It is a loose substrate, and like anything that fits in the mouth of our geckos, it can be ingested and probably will sometimes. What makes it safer that other organic loose substrates? I'm usually not convinced with unfounded reasons that people give like "calci-sand is alright because it is digestible, the bag says so". I have to find proofs and explanations that make sense before having an opinion.
But nobody has given me any reasons to use coconut fiber that I thought were enough convincing. Most people just say "It's biodegradable", "It's digestible", "It's made from vegetable matter"... So is, for example, corn cob litter and I don't think it is a suitable substrate (it reminds me to gravel vegetable-version, which it is very popular here too).
Opinions? :main_yes:
It's a general opinion (I don't know in the USA, but in Europe at least it is) that coconut fiber (not chips) is a perfectly safe substrate, setting aside the fact that it retains humidity which is not advisable for leos.
It is a loose substrate, and like anything that fits in the mouth of our geckos, it can be ingested and probably will sometimes. What makes it safer that other organic loose substrates? I'm usually not convinced with unfounded reasons that people give like "calci-sand is alright because it is digestible, the bag says so". I have to find proofs and explanations that make sense before having an opinion.
But nobody has given me any reasons to use coconut fiber that I thought were enough convincing. Most people just say "It's biodegradable", "It's digestible", "It's made from vegetable matter"... So is, for example, corn cob litter and I don't think it is a suitable substrate (it reminds me to gravel vegetable-version, which it is very popular here too).
Opinions? :main_yes: