Constant disapproval



Recently I rekindled a dying friendship with my best friend from high school. She announced she was engaged and wanted me to be her bridesmaid. I was ecstatic! I got to know her fiance and approve 100%. So I started helping her with her plans.
My parents were less than thrilled about this rekindled friendship. For some reason they blame my "rebel years" on her. She was my best friend when I got myself in to a lot of trouble (none of it being my friend's fault) Guilty by association I suppose.
Well, my parents aren't going to tell me I can not be in the wedding, and in fact said it was perfectly fine when I announced it and told them the price of the dress I have to buy.
A few days later, however, my mom snapped. She told me off about not having a job, using her money, and being friends with this girl again. (Also, to be noted: I was attending a 4 year university but decided to transfer back to the local 2 year college to save them some money, which I figured was a big sacrifice on my part to help out my parents. I'm trying to focus mostly on school right now so I haven't put much effort into getting a job yet.)

She's not trying to run my life, but she is trying too hard to influence me. I inherited her stubbornness, so of course I'm going to be stuck in my ways now when it comes to the people I choose to be around and the things I do with my life and feel I have sacrificed as much as I can of my life to help them out.
Both my parents are "old fashioned" and strictly believe that if an unmarried male and female live together, then they are automatically having sexual relations (which is an understandable assumption, but just that, an assumption) and, even worse, that since they are supposedly having sex they are not Christians.
I was born and raised to be a Christian and consider myself to be one. But I do not consider myself religious. I do not attend church on a regular basis. Generally 2 or 3 times a month and major holidays. And do not feel that I am any less of a Christian than those that go every possible moment.
A lot of my friends have moved in with their significant others before marriage (and I have considered it myself before), therefor making them and myself, in my parents' eyes, non-Christians, which is just not the case. They have a hard time acknowledging my friendships with these people, and its starting to get to me.
The only thing I know to do is to be as polite as possible, bide my time until I can graduate from this 2 year college and transfer back to the university and not have to worry about the constant disapproval anymore.


New Member
Weymouth MA
You're in the very tough spot of not being financially independant of your parents. You're living in their home, without a job and as such you'll be expected to follow their rules. I completely believe you should have a job. Sign up for work study at the school. There are plenty of jobs on campus to help students pay their way. Step up.

You'll never change your parents. So while you live in their home do the best you can to not rock the boat.

Have a great time helping your friend plan her wedding. I hope your dress isn't one of "those" horrible dresses that'll make you cringe for the next 10 years, lol!


New Member
It's hard to live with parents. Your best bet is to just be quiet and not talk back. Since I've moved back home, things were fine to start but slowly they've made things hard to live with. You just have to sit still and quiet till you can move out and live alone... This something I can't wait to do again. I'm basically the black sheep in the family, so constantly undergo ridicule and comparison.


goReptiles said:
I'm basically the black sheep in the family, so constantly undergo ridicule and comparison.

amen. i am too. instead of being a radiologist like my sister or majoring in mechanical engineering like my brother, im studying art. they hate it. and hate the fact that i dont let them see my work till its done even more. (i dont show them because they always ridicule the work in progress)

as for the job, im getting one in the summer when i have time and my school load is lighter. i cant get work study again because my family falls financially in that "middle ground" where it is very difficult and near impossible to pay for college on our own but we make a little too much income a year to be considered "in need"
it sucks very much and it wasnt all my choice to come back. they almost guilted me into it and pretty much scared me into it.
i follow their rules pretty much to a T, so its not a case of rebelling or back talking. theyre just both emotionally unstable i believe.


oh, and her dress is absolutely to die for! so are the bridesmaid dresses! and theyre simple enough to be worn for more than one occasion!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Amy, I feel for you. I couldn't live with my mom at all after I turned 18 let alone depend on her for a place to live because she's too controlling. I'm 37 and I have not talked to her in almost 5 years because she still thinks she has a say in what I do in my life. There is a line of respecting whos home you live in and giving in to their way of life and living your own.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
i definitely can relate to this. my mom had a fit when i moved with my now husband when we first got together and said we were moving too fast. still now shes like o dont do this and dont do that and blah blah i am like mom i am grown i can make my own decisions now. if i make a mistake and fall on my face then i get up and learn from what happened and not do it again. my dad has been pretty cool about everything and hasnt said too much but my mom is the big mouth pretty much. i have times where i dont talk to her for a while. we live with his parents but mainly its a privacy issue with living with his parents everyones always home and wanting us to do this and that for them. its like do we get time alone to be a couple and be intimate shoot by the end of the day i am so tired i cant see straight lol. pretty much when you live with your parents you have to live under their rules, though i bent them quite a few times and i told them i am over 18 i am a adult now you can't really say anything unless you want to kick me out. we can either fight or let me be my own person. i am also a black sheep because i never had good grades or did what my mom wanted me to do in my life she wanted me to meet a country boy well i am with a man from New York. needless to say i am the total opposite than my mom and shes like o you guys spend too much time together and blah blah and i am like me and him are not like u and dad. well maybe not exactly like your situation but very similar is parents want to run your life or have their say in everything well for me its mainly my mom...good luck with everything and i hope you can leave the nest soon


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