couple questions before getting one :)


New Member
South Carolina
hello! i just have a few questions to see if a crested is right for me right now i have a leopard gecko named Milo and he is the best gecko ever! so easy to take care of fill up his water bowl and fill up his little mealworm dish and he is good to go! i used to have a fish but sadly he died and i want something to go in my room now that doesnt take up space and is easy to take care of without dealing with another fish tank. i just have a couple questions on cresteds is someone could please answer them that would be great

1. where i would put him its a desk underneath my tv but over to the right. will the noise or the light bother him at all?

2. if i go away for a weekend or a week will they be ok left alone?

3. what is the proper lighting and heating on these guys i have read so many different things

4. i always keep my fan on in my room will that mess up the temps at all?

5. last one! what is the proper housing i want to get get like a exo terra tall tank or the zoo med ones which would be the proper size for a adult gecko and one that he could live his whole entire life in i was thinking about the 12x12x18 one because i only want one since i already have my leopard gecko!

thank you guys for answering the questions


New Member
1. In the beginning they will be skittish but specially the noise is a problem, if it's not to loud they won't mind. But then again might be better to place them somewhere else.

2. You need to give them fresh CGD every 2 days, or give fresh fruit/crickets... So fot a weekend they will be fine, however a week is long with no one that can take care of them.

3.They don't need special heating or lightning (Simple light for day/night cycle). Temp should be around 21-22 degrees (Celcius) in the winter and 24-25 degrees in the summer (never above 30 of under 18, althought they can handle it for a brief period of time)

4. Test before you buy the gecko, test the housing a week before, 2weeks,... Always beter to wait till the housing is perfect.

5. For an adult you'll need a 18x18x24 atleast (in my opinion) the bigger the better. For juvies I use a faunabox from exo terra.

I'm sure there are at lot more experts on the forum so this is just my method and opinion ;)

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