Craigslist rescue: from deaths door


New Member
One day i ran across an add of leopard geckos. One of the males was in need of a lot of care. The person told me that she got him from a friend who neglected him.

I received my patternless snow tremper albino on June 22, 2011. He was only 29 grams full grown.
The very next day he was 35 grams. Boy was he dehydrated. He also had mouth rot.
I took him to the vet and he had pin worms but no other medical reasons for being so skinny.
A month later (july 23) he was 56 grams and was pin worm free.
On 8/8/11 he was 64 grams.
Yesterday he weighed in at 75 grams.

What a difference. He was originally from a breeder but the person didn't remember which one.

Sorry for the bad pictures. He is not white, it was my flash. he went from very pale to a nice yellow and pink.


New Member
What a stunning guy you have, Great Job, feels good to help others/ pets or people, see them turn around and become healthy and strong again. He has the look of THANK YOU in his eyes! :D:main_laugh::main_thumbsup:


New Member
For the first month he wouldn't eat any worms or crickets, he was too weak. I fed him reptiboost supplement until he started eating on his own. He went to the vet and got treated and evaluated. The vet said he would have gave me the same type of supplement so Reptiboost is a great thing to use. It saved his life. I would tell everyone about that product.


Wicked Gecko Queen
what a change!! I wish there where more people like you. its a shame. if you hadn't got him and someone else did, he may not be around right now :( he looks awesome now!


New Member
Spencerville, OH.
this is one of them posts i just had to call my wife over to look at. i had a hard time believing the amount of weight that was put on in that short of time, but man, when i was looking at them pictures, i was like OMG. you deserve a medal for this one! such a shame that leos can be neglected. it's reasons like this that when i breed ours, i'm very selective about who they go to.

edit - thanks for the tip on the reptoboost. never heard of that stuff before, but went googling it after reading your comment. i'll keep that in mind. is that stuff really only necessary for recovering geckos or is it something you should use often to keep your already healthy geckos, healthy?
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New Member
To dlefik2008: Since too many vitamins can be a problem, i would suggest using reptiboost with reptiles that need to gain weight. In my opinion it is the best product to use if your leo is not eating and loosing weight. It is a diet suppliment. I think geckos will get too much vitamins if you add it to their daily diet when they are eating gutloaded insects. Also they dont tend to like it if you squirt it in their mouth, and it takes a long time to go drip by drip them licking it.

Everyone: Thank you for your comments. I wish more people were educated about the care of reptiles. I was at petco today educating a person who was going to get a leo and was clueless about their care. I had to tell her that you can put calcium powder in a "water" dish but the powder does not go in water. lol Also she didnt realize that they need a heat source. ARG. People do your research.

Thanks again.

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