crested gecko habitat question

Troy L

New Member
Fort Wayne, IN
I am getting a crested gecko tomorrow from someone wanting to rehome theres. They told me that it is about 3 inches. I am not sure if that is nose to vet or nose to tail tip. They told me that they are keeping it in a 10gallon tank.
My question is should I keep it in a 10 gallon as well till it grows more? or should I put it in the tank that I am going to put it in as an adult? It is roughly a 35 gallon tank. The deminsions are 30x12x22.5 . I am planning on doing a natural planted tank with climbing brances and such once it gets in the big tank but not sure where to place them first and foremost. Any suggestions would be great.


I would keep it in the ten gallon until its bigger. It will make it easier to find its food, i also suggest keeping it on paper towels while in the ten gallon. Pangea has great care sheets on their website

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Troy L

New Member
Fort Wayne, IN
I just found that website today actually. Great source of info there. I was just not sure if it was gonna be the best thing to put it in that monster tank right away. I will actually start getting things going in it as well that way my plants and everything can grow and start filling up the enclosure. Thanks for the speedy reply.



New Member
St. Augustine, FL
If it's coming with the tank it has already gotten used to, it would be better to continue to use that until the gecko gets used to your ways of caring for it. Moving can be traumatic for animals (heck, people too!) and any familiarity can reduce stress. You might introduce some new things to that tank gradually, like a potted plant, hide, or vine.

Troy L

New Member
Fort Wayne, IN
Unfortunatly I am only getting the gecko. They are rehoming all there reptiles it looks like. Getting a great deal on this baby. So gonna check it out very closely before I buy it. With any luck the will bring it in its tank to go with it. But i highly doubt it. My luck doesn't work like that.



Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
At three inches that sounds like a hatchling if it's total length. If so, I would go smaller than a 10 gallon. Baby rhacs can have trouble finding food in larger setups. For my hatchling cresties up to 10 grams I use medium Kritter Keepers. I use paper towel, a couple of bottle caps for food and water, and a small piece of fake plant, that's it. With little ones you want to keep it simple so you can monitor their eating and hydration levels. Once they hit 10 grams they go into 20 quart sterilites, then eventually 73 quarts for the 25+ gram geckos and adults. I would wait until the gecko is at least 15 grams before putting it in a 10 gallon, and until it's 25+ to put it in the final setup of a 20+ gallon.

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