I didn't think that Cresteds were temp sexed like leo's. I know that eggs can be incubated at room temp successfully or so I have read (my male has not yet met my females-LOL). I think that males are more common for sale than females because they are not temp sexed and you can keep them in 1.2 or 1.3 groups easily which leads to an excess of available males.
I have a really simple tank for mine..a few fake vines suctioned to the wall, a fake plant on a wood base and ecoearth on the floor. None of my three eat bug enthusiastically but I offer them occasionally. I mist once a day.
Well I think I have everything with the exception of that mushroom thing and the crested. I am going to get an unsexed one when I am ready and see where that leads me. I read someone talking about a type of cleanup crew that eats the gecko waste any information on that available would be nice.
for babies you wont want a living set up with the cleanup crew going in it. Babies get impacted easily so they are best kept on paper towels. When your gecko hits 15g you can switch over to a dirt substrate, but you have to watch things like eco earth which is high in acid which will kill your clean up crew. Personally right now I just have earthworms in my living viv, it is too cold to ship bugs right now, otherwise when spring and warm weather hits I will be bringing in captive bred pillbugs and possibly spring tails.
So far there is not enough evidence to show that these guys are temp sexed. One of the reasons you see so many males is because breeders often hold back the females for their own stock, or trade with friends to bring in new blood, which leaves the males left over. And incubating at room temp has given me a balance of both males and females over the last few years, I do not use an incubator for anything getting into the 80's, embro development is too quickly and the baby tends to hatch not fully developed, which is one of the reasons why this has not fully been proven as the range of temps with these guys in incubation is on the cooler end as it is.
With my leos I had tile, so I probably won't have any kind of substrate for a while, I am asking everything now so there are no surprises when I do get one.
Here is a basic list though.
Enclosure (as you know will vary on the age of the gecko)
Flukers digital thermo/hydro (the stick ons are not very accurate)
paper towels
caps (pop caps for babies, gatoraid sized for adults)
plants, remember to get enough to fill up at least 50% of the enclosure, and if you decide to get a large gecko 10g+ which requires a 10 gallon or larger, you want to be sure the plants cover 4 of the 4 sides of the tank
a hide for the bottom if you are getting a larger gecko, kk's dont really need them
spray bottle of some sort
Obviously the gecko..lol
Everything else is just extras. THe nice thing with these guys, dont dont need to go for broken making an enclosure for them. Instead of going to the pet store for plants, go to a craft store, or even the dollar store for plants, you will save a boat load.
I have everything except the digital thermometer. Can't seem to find my old one. I like the stick on ones for quick glance but yes the digital is a must, wish I could find the darn thing. The hide I am going to make out of a Tupperware container. Plants I have plenty of and extra suction cups as well. I just want to get a magnetic feeding bowl. I have regular bowls but the magnetic ones seem very practical by bringing the food up to the Gecko's natural habitat.