Crested terrarium?




I'm a future crested gecko owner :D, and it will be my first experience with reptiles. I'm still searching about them, they're amazing little creatures.

So I thought about an exo-terra 30x30x45cm (12x12x18) but I found it a bit small. A man from a petshop told me the better terrarium is an exo-terra 45x45x60cm (18x18x24 I guess), but what I read about them, is that a terrarium of such size (32 gallons) is suitable for a pair or trio of female geckos.

So my question is: is an exo-terra 45x45x45cm (18x18x18) suitable for one single male crestie? And a friend told me they have in her petshop a terrarium 40x40x40cm but I have not see it yet, so I don't know yet if I'll buy it, caude I really like the door system of exo-terra.

So what do you think, should I save some money and buy the exo-terra 18x18x24? Buy the exo-terra 12x12x18? or the 40x40x40cm is okay? (sorry about this one, i don't know how much inches it is :p )

so, the 18x18x24 is about 32 gallons
the 18x18x18 is 24 gallons
and the 40x40x40 ( about 15x15x15 inches) is 16 gallons

what do you think I should do? :main_huh:

Anyway I wont buy the material very soon, at least one month cause I must finish the cage for my degus first :main_cool3:

PS: I've already thought about the zilla acrylic atrium, but I'm from Portugal and the shipping to europe is about 50 dollars :s

PS2:sorry about my poor english ;D

hope you can help me :main_thumbsup:

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
So my question is: is an exo-terra 45x45x45cm (18x18x18) suitable for one single male crestie?

I prefer the taller one because it leaves more room for plants to grow, but either the 18x18x18 or 18x18x24 would work well.


thx, so the taller the better i guess, right?

by the way, I just remembered other question I had forgot...
are there any specific plants for this reptile? or is there any toxic plant?

thx again :main_thumbsup:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Taller is good, but remember that if you have plants and the terrarium is really tall then you'll need stronger lighting to help the plants grow. The lighting will dry out the humidity more. I've had a crestie for 4-5 years in an exo-terra 12x12x18 with a split leafed fern that was providing good shade and cover. A few months ago it stopped growing new leaves and was looking really sparse. I replaced the light with a brighter one and since then I"ve gotten 4 new leaves. You may find a list of toxic plants through google; I found one recently but don't remember where. I don't worry that much because cresties don't eat the vegetation. Bromiliads are good plants and also vines like pothos. I use a fake vine as a frame for the real one to grow around.




Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I don't think HPTerra cages are available here in the US, but from what I can see they look very nice, should work well for a crestie. has a good amount of information about terrarium plants. The main ones to watch out for are thorny or spiny plants that could cause injuries, and plants with sap that is a skin irritant like Dieffenbachia. As Aliza said, plants that are toxic when eaten are not as much of a cause for concern because the geckos do not eat them.

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