I'm a future crested gecko owner
, and it will be my first experience with reptiles. I'm still searching about them, they're amazing little creatures.
So I thought about an exo-terra 30x30x45cm (12x12x18) but I found it a bit small. A man from a petshop told me the better terrarium is an exo-terra 45x45x60cm (18x18x24 I guess), but what I read about them, is that a terrarium of such size (32 gallons) is suitable for a pair or trio of female geckos.
So my question is: is an exo-terra 45x45x45cm (18x18x18) suitable for one single male crestie? And a friend told me they have in her petshop a terrarium 40x40x40cm but I have not see it yet, so I don't know yet if I'll buy it, caude I really like the door system of exo-terra.
So what do you think, should I save some money and buy the exo-terra 18x18x24? Buy the exo-terra 12x12x18? or the 40x40x40cm is okay? (sorry about this one, i don't know how much inches it is
so, the 18x18x24 is about 32 gallons
the 18x18x18 is 24 gallons
and the 40x40x40 ( about 15x15x15 inches) is 16 gallons
what do you think I should do? :main_huh:
Anyway I wont buy the material very soon, at least one month cause I must finish the cage for my degus first :main_cool3:
PS: I've already thought about the zilla acrylic atrium, but I'm from Portugal and the shipping to europe is about 50 dollars :s
PS2:sorry about my poor english ;D
hope you can help me :main_thumbsup:
I'm a future crested gecko owner
So I thought about an exo-terra 30x30x45cm (12x12x18) but I found it a bit small. A man from a petshop told me the better terrarium is an exo-terra 45x45x60cm (18x18x24 I guess), but what I read about them, is that a terrarium of such size (32 gallons) is suitable for a pair or trio of female geckos.
So my question is: is an exo-terra 45x45x45cm (18x18x18) suitable for one single male crestie? And a friend told me they have in her petshop a terrarium 40x40x40cm but I have not see it yet, so I don't know yet if I'll buy it, caude I really like the door system of exo-terra.
So what do you think, should I save some money and buy the exo-terra 18x18x24? Buy the exo-terra 12x12x18? or the 40x40x40cm is okay? (sorry about this one, i don't know how much inches it is
so, the 18x18x24 is about 32 gallons
the 18x18x18 is 24 gallons
and the 40x40x40 ( about 15x15x15 inches) is 16 gallons
what do you think I should do? :main_huh:
Anyway I wont buy the material very soon, at least one month cause I must finish the cage for my degus first :main_cool3:
PS: I've already thought about the zilla acrylic atrium, but I'm from Portugal and the shipping to europe is about 50 dollars :s
PS2:sorry about my poor english ;D
hope you can help me :main_thumbsup: