Crestie hatchling set-up


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I'm getting a few babies soon and I had a few questions.
Would a 10g tank placed vertically be too large for a few, month old babies? I'd keep them with minimal "furniture," (paper towels as subtrate, only one good plant to keep humidity up and provide all the hiding places they need, and a few clean branches to climb on) so hunting should still be easy for them. And I'd leave some CGD for them anyway, so they should be fine.

Does this sound good?

Wind Dancer

New Member
Central Florida, USA
I don't have any cresties, but i did extensive research on them late last year ;).

i don't think you have to make the tank vertical if they're only a few months old or the live(?did you mean live?) plant. one really big plastic plant(although if you got one with suction cups and had the tank standing up it would probably work best :p). and as long as you mist it like once a day, you live in florida and we both know how sticky and humid it is, so you shouldn't have any problems. may i suggest the repashy gecko forums? lots of threads on housing and such :).

hope that helps!


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
Thanks! I have one medium live plant and then some fake fern leaves to create more cover. And then some thin branches for them to climb on. Yea, luckily here in Florida I don't have to do much with temperatures and humidity XD unless I don't open the windows and the AC dries out the air, then I do have to mist more than once a day.

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