I would start with what they call a 15 gallon high aquarium which is 20" x 10" x 18". In this case, the 18" dimension is the height, and the height is important. People have kept cresties successfully in shorter cages, but if I'm recommending, I'm going to start at 18 inches. From what I've heard from those who have more experience and more cresties, this recommendation is reasonable. If making this much space in your house for a crestie cage is a big problem, I'd recommend against getting a crestie.
Many people put cresties in special terrariums made by Exo Terra or similar terrariums made by other companies. These terrariums feature front doors that open and a removable screen top. Again, most people recommend the 18" x 18" x 18" as the minimum for a single crestie with the 18" x 18" x 24" being a little better. I keep my single crestie in the 24" tall terrarium.
When a crestie is young, you'll want to put the crestie in a smaller container. I'd recommend a plastic container drilled with ventilation holes or a "Kritter Keeper" type of cage. However, if you can't be sure that you'll have room for the adult cage when the crestie becomes an adult, you shouldn't buy a hatchling just because the hatchling can live in a smaller cage for a little while.
http://www.crestedgecko.com/cg_care.htm this one is pretty good, some pictures too, any other questions can be asked and answered here, there are a lot of crestie masters on this site!
My two different morphs cost the same, but the guy gave me a great deal on them, so i paid 35 for my tiger, they are pretty common. If you want a harley or pinstripe youll probably have to pay more, i saw the babies seemed to cost less for some reason. http://home.netcom.com/~deadrats/h.htm This is the breeder i got mine from at a reptile show. Theyve been great for me.
i think their colors and patterns just get brighter/more defined depending on their mood and time of day. a red crested gecko might be dull colored during the daytime and get dark red at night for example.
I know they say night is when the get "fired up" the best, but i really think my tiger looks its best when its sleeping during the day, i dont know if that goes for all cresteds or just that one.
the price of any morph is going to depend on the breeder's pricing and the quality of the gecko. Some breeder's charge an arm and a leg for average quality, whereas others charge the same for top-quality. Sometimes you can get a decently priced high-quality, or super low price on a low-quality. It all depends on what the breeder deems the price is. I suggest just shopping around.
i think a blonde harley would cost a lot at any breeder. Im not sure what youre looking to spend but i doubt youd find one for under 100 bucks. Maybe a reptile show would be your best bet.
I use mini's for a few months then upgrade to smalls. The only reason I use the mini's is because I found them cheap online. You could save the money and just by the smalls.
the minis are 7.125" x 4.375" x 5.5" and the smalls are 9.125" x 6" x 6.625"
You can get them in bulk on LLLreptile.com I kind of wish I hadn't gotten my 6 mini's from Ebay, and just found the 3L deal from the start. You can get 12 smalls for $35.04 plus shipping (it's a bulk order so they'll email you with the updated shipping charge before they actually charge your card to make sure it's ok).