*** Damn Cancer


New Member
New York
Cancer strikes again, my grandfather has been battling it for over a year now. He had a big surgery to remove it and had kemo. It seemed to have gone away but then more spots showed up on a xray, they decided to operate to try to remove it but it was behind his liver and they couldnt remove it . He is barely eating anything and in bad shape, he went back to the doctors earlier this week and they said he only has a month . Cancer is a sick monster that everyone deals with at some point .


So sorry to hear that you are right it is a proven fact that cancer will come up somewhere in someones family, I lost my mother in 99 to it.

I will keep you in my prayers.


ill be prayin for you i lost my grandmother to leukemia and one of my old teachers just recently lost his dad to it. gud luk:bigcry:


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
I'm sorry to hear that Jason. It's never easy to deal with the greif of having a sick family member. I have lost 2 uncles and an aunt to cancer, not to mention 2 of them dieing 2 days apart. That was tremendously hard. But we must move on and remember the good times.

This is why health care is so important and that we whould all try to have regular check ups and discuss any and all questions or concerns with our docs. I'm 25 and at the age of 23 had a colonoscopy (sp?), just due to the fact that my father had polyps and my 1 uncle died due to colon cancer. So every 5 years I will have it done again to make sure that it's caught early if it ever does happen. Just look at Robin roberts from Good Moring America, a normal self exam and she noticed a lump, went to the doctors did some tests and found out she did indeed have breast cancer. Had she dismissed it due to being scared or just blowing off to "one of those things" it would have progressed and possibly wind up not being treatable.

P.S. Sorry to thread jack.


New Member
Weymouth MA
I'm right there with ya, Cancer sucks! We spent 3 weeks last May with my mother in law while she lost her battle with multiple myeloma. She lived 8 hours away from us & we consider ourselves very lucky to have been able to be with her then. I have 2 family members living with lung cancer & 1 who died from it. My sister had a hysterectomy at 27 because of cancer. My grandmother is twice in remission from breast cancer.

I hope that you'll be able to spend some time with your grandfather. Break out the photo albums, tell some stories, read some books, watch the game, sit & do nothing but enjoy being with him. I'm sorry you're going through this.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Jason, I am very sad to hear this! I lost my mother to breast cancer, and as a cancer survivor myself I know how difficult the journey is. You and your grandfather are in my prayers.

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