Determend to find a salution


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Hello, this is Jess. I don't often post hear, but do discus with my husband (nearly every day) what is new on the forum. But today something happened and I know there is something that can be done to at lest help the situation. I apologize in advance for the length of this rant.

We weir in a big name corporate pet store today. The kind I vowed never to support, even with the perches of food, yet with the economic situation as it is I have succumbed in resent months. No longer. Today they received there last penny from me. Zach and I decided to check out there animals to see what kind of condition they weir in. I was looking at a ball python hiding under its large water dish because it was not provided with a hide, when I heard Zach say "Oh that dose not look good". When I looked down I quickly realized what he was looking at. There weir 12-15 hatchling Leos in a very small enclosure, most of whom looked in very pore health.

We could not walk away and say nothing. I found some one to call for the employee in charge of reptiles and upon returning to the Leos felt sick. I have vary rarely felt such a reaction. It encompassed every shred of by being. I luckily had several minutes to collect myself before the woman arrived. I told her the condition of the animals was disturbing and that I could not in good conscience walk away from there and do nothing. She said the animals had just been shipped in and weir in that condition when they arrived. I said they very well may have arrived in poor condition but there were other problems that needed to be addressed, such as the over crowding. They were in a situation suitable for 4 geckos at the very most. I also told her that if an animal is in poor health they should not be put in the more stressful situation of being on display. She informed me that the animals were being housed and kept in accordence with corporate regulations, which was determined by an entire board of veterinarians, whom had deemed there current conditions to be plenty adequate for the animals.

At this point I was hart broken. I asked to speak to some one else. She gave me number to call and said that any of there operators would be more than happy listen to my concerns. I asked for a name. I wanted to talk to some one who may listen, I was not satisfied to speak with an operator, I wanted a name. So she offered to have her manager come and talk to me. When she returned I was informed that the manager was busy with another customer, my best bet was to call the number. I said I would wait. What do you know, the manager was right there.

He gave me the whole shpleel the employee had given me but added " Now mam, I don't see any medical concerns or issues in this tank. Now a board of vets has deemed this appropriate for these animals." At which point I called Zach over, who had bean keeping his distance in fear of physically attacking some one, and asked him if he thought a vet board would think thees animals looked acceptable. His answer was no chance. The manager started to repeat the vet thing again, I interrupted him and said "Fine, forget corporate regulation and the vet board, can you in your hart, in good conscience, can you rely say that these animals look OK?" He repeated that he didn't see any problems. I said they are over crowded, way under wait, having shed problems, and lethargic. He told me that he would have his "animal care specialist" soak the one gecko tomorrow when she comes in. In our harts Zach an I both know there is good a chance that particular gecko will not make it till tomorrow, and even if he makes it till than, his chances of recovery will be slim. At that point all I could do is walk away almost yelling "If that is what you consider appropriate for animals that is just disturbing, truly disturbing!"

We do not yet know how to approach it, but I am sure there is a way to reform the regulations regarding animal care and husbandry in pet stores, and ensure they are enforced! If you have any suggestions we would love to hear them.


Email them, call the number. Keep complaining, and get others to do the same. Sadly, that's all you can do :(


Greenville, SC
Isn't there an organization you could call to investigate the petstore regarding neglect and poor conditions? Sorry, my brain isn't working well tonight, but maybe someone could suggest one that does investigations of petstore.

Those "regulations" don't sound right....


New Member
after feeling the same way you feel from several big chain pet store visits I decided to look into the laws and regulations to see what I could personaly do about this situation. I was completly shocked to find out that animal cruelty laws don't cover reptiles. Due to the lack of the amount of animal control officers and a high amount of cases they can't justify spending more money to fund more officers to handle reptile cases. However I do suggest contacting animal control and maybe you'll get lucky and get some help or better info, or at the least maybe they will file a complaint. I don't know if it would help but maybe a call to the BBB. Personaly I think we should start a group here on the forums where once a month we get together with people in our areas and hold protest signs in front of these stores that neglect animals. Sorry didn't mean to take over your rant.:D


New Member
Miami, FL
Isn't there an organization you could call to investigate the petstore regarding neglect and poor conditions? Sorry, my brain isn't working well tonight, but maybe someone could suggest one that does investigations of petstore.

Those "regulations" don't sound right....

Yes, you could potentially file a complaint with your local humane society I guess & they might be able to look into the situation, or if you're really concerned, you could ask the police if they have an animal care division.

But unfortunatly, different states consitute "neglect" differently, here in FL (and most places) all that is required by law to care for any animal is food, water and a roof over their head, sadly. A lot of people and stores take advantage of this. :main_no:

I think I would just continue calling & emailing corporate...make an exact list of what they are doing wrong, provide proof with photos if you can, and really solidify your complaint by providing proof of proper care from veterinarians or other breeders. Good luck with your fight!:main_thumbsup:


Aussie Reptile Keeper
This is horrible, absolutely unacceptable to say the least. I have heard so many of these stories and something really has to give. These animals deserve better. could you contact a local news paper or news station and ask them to do a column or story on it?

Going to the store or chain manager will do no good, they will look out for their own.

I'm glad that its not like that here in Australia, I've been to the big pet stores here on many occasion for supplies and i always look in on the reptiles who are in great shape. They have food,water, hides and are not over crowded. I know the manager of the one i frequent spends a great deal of time and money making sure all his animals are in top condition. I would hate to see any animal in such horrible conditions as you mentioned.

good luck and don't give in.



-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Thanks for the suggestions and support guys. I agree it would be a great idea to start a section to promote reptile rites. We will certainly call animal care and control but also plan to gather proof of what is going on. I would like to get hold of there standards and regulations so as to pinpoint the areas that must be changed, and to know how they determine these to be satisfactory standards.


New Member
Keno-Where WI
I'm friends with one of the guys that works in the local pet store here and I did research on all the reptiles they carry and help him out with taking care of them. He's manager of the fish section but likes reptiles as well and he's cool with just throwing me the keys and letting me do my thing with the reptiles.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Try contacting WA Fish & Wildlife. Maybe they can do something.
I've done it here and they've sent out an Officer to check things out. One place was cited heavily, the animals were taken and they aren't allowed to sell reptiles any more.

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