Digging Through Gecko Poo


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
For this to be a successful experiment I think you should examine not just one subject's poop but from multiple subjects (say maybe 5 geckos on sand and 5 geckos on paper towel substrate). You never know... one gecko might just have a higher acidity to it's stomach acid, it might not even be substrate related.

Although, I do too speculate that your theory could very well be true. :)


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I use newspaper for our leos but sand for my desert horned lizard. Last year I tried the calci sand for a few weeks before getting him a big tank. It is horrible! As others said, it clumps but is also sharp. I don't have the bag anymore but I think it may have ground up walnut shells in it. I was warned not to use it when I posted a pic of his setup. So we went to play sand and claysand from a baseball field pile. Last time he got new sand I got some paver sand from Home Depot. It doesnt have the little sparkles in it like playsand but does hold together when moist without clumping. As far as product liability, about all that can be done is to spread the word on forums. There have been eye problems associated with compact UVB bulbs for some years and that's how people found out it was a widespread issue. Very few companies care as long as they're selling product. It's our choice to buy or not.

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