Do geckos change their diet suddently?


New Member
San Diego
I've been the proud owner of a very healthy looking leopard gecko for about a month and a half. I have no idea how old it is but i would say about 7 months. For the first few weeks i fed it crickets, then mealies, then mealies and crickets, now just large mealies. He normally ate 3-4 large mealworms every night but a few nights ago he refused to eat. the next sevral days he wouldn't eat at night and only ate 1-3 L mealworms at irregular times. Is this part of his nomal routine? He has been pooping and all. Temps are right, (maybe a lil too hot on cool side but fixing it). Also i've noticed that when i enter the room at night he tries to climb the glass.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Sometimes they can decide that they like one food item better than the other for a while. As long as he's eating worms or crickets, pooping regularly, and not losing weight then you probably don't have anything to worry about. Climbing the glass doesn't mean anything, just a reptile thing. They love trying to escape even if the effort is futile.

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