I wish. They respond to me when I talk to them, though. One of them more so than the other. She'll be in her humid hide (and it's clear so I can see her in it at all times), I'll begin talking to her, and her head will slowly move up and she'll peer out of her hide as if she's trying to listen.
Being totally honest..!!!! Mine does respond to his name. I have always been calling him & stuff & I say his name over & over. I think he just recognizes the sound of his name, not the actual name. But he will drag himself out of his hide if I keep calling him. Usually I only get a one-eye open response of acknowledgement from him, but if I'm persistant he'll come out.
Not to burst anyones bubble...or be a party pooper...but they are probably just responding to your presence. If I talk or tap on the enclosure or if they just see me, they just come out. I chaulk it up to them associating me with food.
Yeah, none know their names I'm pretty sure. I think I just named them all because I could. LOL. I have one who doesn't even look at me when I come over to the quarentine tank he's in right now, it's straight to the screen. He's wiating for the sky to open up and the worms to drop down!
Well mine does not... I am pretty sure if he come out it is only to ckeck what is the noise or if there is food or a threat coming.. I still name them but its more for myself and I honestly don`t think they care
I was yelling at my dog the other night and one of my hatchlings did not approve. It would hiss from inside its shoebox. Took me a minute to realize what was going on. Repeated a few times to make sure heh. So that one doesn't like loud noises.
I think mine "smell" the roach bin, not that it smells to me but they know when its been opened. they can see it and everyone heads to glass nearest the bin.
My gecko does respond to his name. My boyfriend and I can be on the other side of the room looking at his cage so we can see him and them we call his name and he'll always come out of his hide and look for us through the glass til he sees us. Tis cute!