dragons for kids


New Member
ok so i have been thinking about getting my daughter a beardie for christmas. she will be 3 years old at that time and she already love to look at and always wants to hold my geckos but i'm afraid she will hurt them so i dont let her. do you think its a good idea to do this?


i have a three year old class with my geckos and i used to have the schools bearded dragon in my class, but it died of old age. just be sure to explain to be real careful and gentile with them, and they will be alright. i think it will be very good for her, just remind her always to be nice and gentile, and never squeeze. i would stand there with her and show her how to hold it and treat them. i even have the older 2 year olds to hold them. oh yea, and tell her how to pick the up, and not to pull their tails.

the old beardie used to love the kids and be held by them. he was over 20 years old.


I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
Maybe a rankins dragon woudl be a bit better since theyre smaller and if they do happen to snap at her because she does something wrong when picking it up it would do less damage?


New Member
with adult supervision I think that you will be fine. have your daughter sit when she pets the beardy, so that she won't drop it. As long as you don't leave feedings, husbandry, and cleaning times to your daughter, you should be fine. :) good luck...


New Member
goReptiles said:
with adult supervision I think that you will be fine. have your daughter sit when she pets the beardy, so that she won't drop it. As long as you don't leave feedings, husbandry, and cleaning times to your daughter, you should be fine. :) good luck...

lol no i will do all the caring myself. hell she wont even pick up her room!!


should be fine.

I think it'll be fine. I have two beardies right now and both are the sweetest lizards you could possibly want. It seems the bearded dragons are more tame and mellow, which is great for a child. My geckos, no matter how much I work with them, still want to crawl all over me. The dragons both will just sit on my shirt, lap, hand, wherever I put them and seem to be content. They will walk around a bit, but are alot less nervous then the geckos.

The only thing I have found, is it takes more to care for a dragon then for the gecko. In terms of creating a suitable habitat. With needing the UV bulbs and so on. As long as you are the primary care taker and will ensure it gets all it needs, I am sure it'll be a great pet for you and your daughter.

Double LY

We have leos, beardies, cresties and a uro (along with 6 year old and 3 year old little boys). As long as you explain what is/is not acceptable and supervise, there shouldn't be any problems. Our littlest is a pro at handling all of our reptiles and knows that he is not to touch without me in the room.


Personally I'd say Blue Tongue Skinks are the best pet lizard for a child. They are smooth to the touch (not spiny like beardeds). They are heavier and round so they are easier to hold then bearededs. They also cant run like the wind like beardeds. They eat an easier diet, ground beef, cat food, greens, bugs, fruit, eggs... the list goes on. And they are sweeeet as baby doves. Heres a website: www.bluetongueskinks.net Although I must say I am a little biased to them hehe. I have 4. Beareded are also a good choice. But I'd suggest you get a sub adult and not a baby. At that age they are eating more greens and are big enough for a child to handle. Baby beardeds are tiny and could be easily crushed by uncareful hands. Whether you get a bluetongueskink or a beareded dragon you are getting the 2 best pet lizards!


New Member
Zbiz said:
Personally I'd say Blue Tongue Skinks are the best pet lizard for a child. They are smooth to the touch (not spiny like beardeds). They are heavier and round so they are easier to hold then bearededs. They also cant run like the wind like beardeds. They eat an easier diet, ground beef, cat food, greens, bugs, fruit, eggs... the list goes on. And they are sweeeet as baby doves. Heres a website: www.bluetongueskinks.net Although I must say I am a little biased to them hehe. I have 4. Beareded are also a good choice. But I'd suggest you get a sub adult and not a baby. At that age they are eating more greens and are big enough for a child to handle. Baby beardeds are tiny and could be easily crushed by uncareful hands. Whether you get a bluetongueskink or a beareded dragon you are getting the 2 best pet lizards!

wow not exactly on the same page as you on this. i have BTS and i disagree. BTS have to be handled constantly to be very tame. BTS bite so hard i thought i was gonna lose a finger once. they squirm like crazy and in my experience dont like to be handled that much. i breed my own insect feeders so they wont be a problem and i grow my own greens so i'll be good there too. man i'm just wanting to see your BTS in action!!!


I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
Wow a crazy vicious BTS? Even the one at my school, which gets sub-par care, will handle perfectly unless you dont give him enough balance and he starts tipping, then he wiggles.


New Member
GoGo said:
Wow a crazy vicious BTS? Even the one at my school, which gets sub-par care, will handle perfectly unless you dont give him enough balance and he starts tipping, then he wiggles.

i never said that my BTS are vicious but it is very painful if you get bit.


I would suggest an older juvie or an adult beardie that has been handled frequently by it's breeder/previous owner

While Bluey's are indeed very laid back-I believe that their weight and length(at least at adult size) would be hard to handle for a 3 yr. olds little hands

just my 2 cents

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