Dryed skin and Lack of appetites...


New Member
To my supprise I found my female striped snow had very dry skin on her tail which she tried biting off i assume. I feel terrible that this happened. Normally i checked everyone everyday but lately ive been busier which isnt a exsuce. I put some repti-aid all over her tail. What would cause dry skin? She's always in her moist hide(well during the day). I know she wasnt hurt by another gecko as she's alone right now. It's not a deep bite just enough to rip the skin some.

Then i have another Snow het bell. He was temped sexed female but unless he's a buldgie girl, he's a he. He hasnt been eating which worries me. He's standing at 38 grams right now hasnt gained a gram in almost a month.

THEN i have another one, a Tremper Engima girl, she hasnt eaten in a month@.@ she's lost a gram too which isnt a huge thing but she refuses food. She's alter and very active just wont eat. She does poop still not a hole lot but some. I've check to see if she's oviulating but i dont see any pink. Plus she's still kinda young like 6 months at 50 grams. She used to eat every night but for a month now(a little longer now) she just wont eat. She seems to be interested in the crickets but she just wont eat. I've offered, crickets, supers, mealies, roachs(dubias and red racers) and even waxxies but she just wants nothing to do with them. Is it possible she's ovulating and just doesnt have the pink spot?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I've had some geckos end up with dried tail tips. Sometimes it's due to a burn or they got the tip of the tail caught somewhere. Somertimes it's a total mystery.

The geckos that won't eat may be getting into winter mode. I have a few that don't eat for months and drop 20 grams or so (note that they start out at 90 grams, so losing 20 grams isn't a big deal). All I can say is keep offering, take them to the vet if they get really listless, really skinny or seem to be having trouble breathing, and try not to worry.



New Member
I dont think its a burn since its on the top part of her tail(i can get pics if needed) She was with 2 other girls with no issuse but after a bit i decided she wasnt fitting in with them and moved her about 2 weeks ago to different part of the cage(moved a male out of it and cleaned it; he never had problems in it).

Lol try not to worry? haha im gonna worry my babies arent eating and one has a small wound. Ofcourse im gonna worry. I figured they were goin into winter mode:/ i tried uping there temps but i guess it didnt work. Hopefully they come out of it before to long since like i said there young at 50 grams and 38 loosing 20 grams really isnt a option with them. But i think in a month without food and only loosing a gram doesnt seem to bad. There still shedding normally so, i guess i can try to not worry....to much.

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