
Take me away Circle K
St. Louis
Males have a small last segment 1/4 the width of the segment before it
Females Have a last segment about the same width as the one before it.
you dont even need a picture, just look at a few over 1/2 in and you should see the difference right away.


And for the visually challenged! I want pictures!


Tight Budget Herping
San Antonio, TX
Love my dubias! Although I would like to order more, hopefully soonish, because my monitors devour them! BUT it saves a good amount of money because the monitors could devour about 30-40 crickets in one sitting where as they only eat about 6-8 large nymphs per sitting. If anything I'd LOVE to have a huge colony with thousands! That would be great! But I'm just starting out, only have 12 adult females & 6 males...several hundred nymphs, but from a different order. So far I've gotten about 40 new babies. But my lateralis colony is booming.


Tight Budget Herping
San Antonio, TX
I only have 1 leo to feed, would starting a dubia colony be worth it? Or would i become overwhelmed?

You could start out with just a 100 nymphs & a couple of adults. Depending on how big your leo is, you'd have to decide how big you want the nymphs.

My first order was 350 mixed sizes & 6 adult pairs. Last me 2mo feeding juvi monitors. And it'd last longer with your gecko.


New Member
You could start out with just a 100 nymphs & a couple of adults. Depending on how big your leo is, you'd have to decide how big you want the nymphs.

My first order was 350 mixed sizes & 6 adult pairs. Last me 2mo feeding juvi monitors. And it'd last longer with your gecko.

If you can take some time to look around reptile, insect, and amphibian forums - you can score a REALLY good deal. On arachnoboards I was lucky enough to find a FLORIDAN that lived only 25 miles from me. He was able to give me 1000+ dubia for $60! That's it! I swear in the last few weeks I have bumped up to 2000, and who knows how many babies. In the purchase I probably got 300 adult females. Lets say 250 are gravid, each one can give birth to 25 nymphs. 250 x 25 = a lot. A lot of people underestimate the breeding speed of dubia, though. Some get maybe 50 and believe they'll have hundreds in just a few months, but it would probably take a year for 50 to grow to 250. Start with 300+ though, and they breed like, well, how roaches are supposed to breed.


Roaches are Cool, fast, fun, and funny.

O and check out sexing the nymphs it is great no more waiting till the last molt. I recently found it online, now im saving only the females, so no more dumping 1000s of useless males, or feeding off hundreds of valuable females.
Males have a small last segment 1/4 the width of the segment before it
Females Have a last segment about the same width as the one before it.
you dont even need a picture, just look at a few over 1/2 in and you should see the difference right away.

Jerm.....Great useful tip.
Take care. HJ :D

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