Dwarf Leopard gecko and deformed leopard


New Member
Hi, long time no talk.
Anyways I recently hatched out a blizzard and abberant normal. Same clutch but they were earlier than I expected.

On top of that the blizzard has a crooked spine right where the tail meets up with the body. Also her/his body is super short and stocky but the head and legs are big, completely disporpotionate to all my other hatchlings.
I'll upload pictures as soon as my Father gets back from work with the camera.

The sibling to this one is similar in porpotions but it has a flap of skin like a bats wing coming from the base of the tail to the bottom of the hind foot and filling in the area inbetween. It's really freaky and disgusting.

They are both fat, spkuny and normal acting besides that.

Is there anything I should do?
Do you have any Idea what may have caused it?

All I know is three factors
1. Mom is smaller framed, correct breeding weight, just smaller.
2. My incubator in a frame of two months went from 80 degrees to 84-85
3. When other leopard geckos hatched they got flipped temporarily.


Avid Leopard Gecko Keeper
I do not know if Moms smaller frame caused the geckos to become deformed. Some of the more experienced breeeders will need to tell you about that.

The flipping may have caused the deformities although I could be wrong, ususally that drowns the gecko and I don't think changes their physical appearance.

The varying temperature mey also have been a factor, although, I have had a gecko hatch out fine in an incubator that varies in temperature from 85 to 91 degrees.

As for what you should do, I would just treat them as normal geckos just check up n them more. Do they have any problem hunting or seeing? Do they poop normally?

I would love to see the pictures, it may give everyone on the forum chance to learn, and/or see, something new.
Good luck with them, Noah
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New Member
I do not know if Moms smaller frame caused the geckos to become deformed. Some of the more experienced breeeders will need to tell you about that.

The flipping may have caused the deformities although I could be wrong, ususally that drowns the gecko and I don't think changes their physical appearance.

The varying temperature mey also have been a factor, although, I have had a gecko hatch out fine in an incubator that varies in temperature from 85 to 91 degrees.

As for what you should do, I would just treat them as normal geckos just check up n them more. Do they have any problem hunting or seeing? Do they poop normally?

I would love to see the pictures, it may give everyone on the forum chance to learn, and/or see, something new.
Good luck with them, Noah

Being only a day old, it's hard to say if they eat and poop just fine, The dwarf I think will be just fine until it starts growing but as far as the one with the flap I don't know how it'll grow


New Member
Being only a day old, it's hard to say if they eat and poop just fine, The dwarf I think will be just fine until it starts growing but as far as the one with the flap I don't know how it'll grow

I wonder if because it is just a day old and still growing if you can make shift something like a body cast to help keep the spine straight as it is growing? I Don't know, I haven't experienced this (yet) Can't wait to see the pics


New Member
I didn't want to take pictures of the gecko with a flap from it's tail to it's back leg becuase it died yeseterday, the flap of skin apprently was fill with it's intestines and it was pooping into it's leg and it eventually was about about to explode and he died before I had a chance to put it down humanly, it was bleeding out of the area.


New Member
Thank you guys, Its really sad when you loose these guys, but I jsut hope she/he wasn't in a lot of pain. :( I wish I could have put him/her down humanly, I mean she was fiesty and was eating and everything. It's so weird, I really have no idea what would have caused those deformities


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Is it possible that since they hatched earlier than expected they hadn't finished developing? I'm sorry it died :( that's always hard :( Hopefully the dwarf will make out okay.

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