Eating Paper towels!?!!?!?!



My Beardie has done this twice now! He's a little over 14 inches and probably 6 months old, maybe less, or a little more. The first time he took a chomp out of the paper towels and ate it..but everything went fine, passed a normal bowel and is fine. Well thinking he just thought it was something weird I thought he'd be fine...and then today I cleaned his house and he runs and takes a chomp out of the fresh paper towel!!

What should I do? I can't get tile or anything right now, should I just take everything away?


Yeah I'm not sure, he went to the bathroom this morning so all is well, but still..he's just weird. Maybe it's because he's in a 20 long, lol, maybe he's bored or something..I've got a 40 gallon breeder and he'll be going in to it in the next couple days..I wonder if he'll stop..

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