egg bound


New Member
Miami, FL
Egg binding is an emergency. If you truly think this is the case, your gecko needs to be seen by a vet. Right now, time is much more important than money.


Wicked Gecko Queen
Agreed... If she is egg bound, she needs to go to the vet now.. Its not something to hold off on...


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
Note to everyone: I made her appointment as soon as I could have. Why did you all assume that I did not? (it was for 2 days after having posted this). Until that time, I wanted to get an estimate on what I might be looking at in terms of cost because they do not offer any leadway in terms of payment- it has to be straight up or you're in trouble. I would have asked the vet for an estimate but last time they did that their numbers were sooo off.. I wanted to get a more realistic poll from others around me here on Geckoforums.

At my job I have a very rigid schedule, as they rely on my heavily as a lead. The company had recently hired a hoard of newcomers and it is my responsibility to arrive on time, train them, whilst also doing my job out in the field. My bosses would not take it lightly if I were to call off for a pet for a last minute ordeal (Yes, I'm serious- they are all about the clients and not employees).

I do as much for my animals as I can without risking losing my job. If I were to lose my job, how would I then afford to care for them at all?

I'm surprised no one could just simply answer my question.

In the long run, she did not survive treatment :'(
Thanks anyways, guys.

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Wicked Gecko Queen
Sorry, there are just so many people who really will wait until it is too late. I have no idea what it would cost as I have never had to take any of my geckos. Im very sorry she didnt make it, and apologize for assuming.


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
On a good note: all of my other leos are happy and healthy... some a little too healthy (aka FAT lol!) I will have to get some updated baby pics (some whom are looking more like young adults than babies) from this year's clutches.


New Member
Miami, FL
I'm so sorry for your loss! :(

Sometimes in veterinary medicine, we are able to diagnose exactly what's going on, the animal exhibits exactly the symptoms we expect, our treatment recommendations, or "plan of action" works, and the animal goes home.

But unfortunately, most of the time, things can be a little unexpected, the surgery takes longer than we thought it would, the animal needs additional injections, bloodwork or diagnostic imaging...sometimes the animal gets REALLY sick, REALLY quickly (we call this "crashing") and we don't really have time to call the owner and offer them options...we just have to do what needs to be done. Most things in this particular field are suprising and unexpected.

That being said...maybe next time you can communicate with your vets office a bit more as far as finances go. If they quote you for a certain price, asked to be informed the minute that someone wants to add something to your bill...In my office, with any surgery or hospitalized case, we ask our clients for a "misc. fee" of about $50-$100 just so we have that extra money there IN CASE WE NEED IT. We give it back to the client if we don't use it.

Nobody on this forum is going to be able to give you any idea of what kind of prices your looking at as far as veterinary costs go. It varies from clinic to clinic, state to state.

It just seems like, in my experience anyway, that there's some miscommunication between you and your veterinarians office as far as costs and charges go. That's easily fixable! :)

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