Egg fertility question


New Member
My female leopard gecko just laid her first clutch of eggs today. One egg is plump and firm like an egg is supposed to be but the other egg is soft and pretty squishy. I just looked at the eggs again and the soft one is slightly dented in. I’ve read here the sometimes a first time breeder will only lay one egg and that it can possibly be infertile. I guess my question is can one egg in the clutch be fertile and the other one be infertile? Or would the whole clutch be infertile? Thanks guys!


B&B Geckos

My female leopard gecko just laid her first clutch of eggs today. One egg is plump and firm like an egg is supposed to be but the other egg is soft and pretty squishy. I just looked at the eggs again and the soft one is slightly dented in. I’ve read here the sometimes a first time breeder will only lay one egg and that it can possibly be infertile. I guess my question is can one egg in the clutch be fertile and the other one be infertile? Or would the whole clutch be infertile? Thanks guys!

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Absolutely, each egg is fertilized by a different sperm. Just because no sperm reached one of the eggs does it mean that it's the same case for the other egg. In addition, one ovum could be too far along to be fertilized, while the other makes it. I must second Katie's motto :)
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